15: Thumper

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"What?" Elena's warm 'I'm your sister, you can tell me anything' exterior went away immediately

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"What?" Elena's warm 'I'm your sister, you can tell me anything' exterior went away immediately. Her face now resembling Katherine even more. "You're joking, right? This is a part of your stupid Sister Wives joke?"

A smile appeared on my face, and fell faster than it grew. "I wish it was, but I-"

Elena threw her hands up and she stood, "No! This is a joke. You're with Damon, you love Damon." Elena let out a laugh, an humorless one, which doesn't come from Elena often. "Stefan is my boyfriend! This is like that time when you said you kissed Stefan when you really kissed Tyler."

Elena nodded, attempting to believe herself, "you're not in love with Stefan. You're just in love with Tyler, it makes sense, really. You've been best friends since the second you shared your Animal Crackers in preschool." Elena said, now pacing. "You love Tyler."

"Yeah, I love Tyler," I stated in a duh tone, standing as well. "Like a brother, though. But I never kissed Tyler, I kissed Stefan, I just didn't want you to be mad at me, so I said it was Tyler."

Elena's nodding stopped and instead she stared at me. "God," she huffed, tears in her eyes, "you're horrible."

I only nodded at her, agreeing. Although I didn't feel as guilty, I hated myself a little bit more.

Elena looked at the ground, before glancing back at me. "Get out."

My eyes met hers, "no, E, please. Let me explain."

Elena shook her head, wiping the few tears that made it down her cheeks. "Let you explain what? How you kissed my boyfriend while he was my boyfriend? No thanks, I don't want to hear it. Get out."

I opened my mouth again to speak, but closed it when I realized there was nothing I could say that would make her want to talk to me right now. I smiled sadly at her before turning to leave her room. I turned back towards her once I reached the door handle, "I'm sorry, Elena." A tear or two falling quickly down my cheeks, and off my face.

Elena almost glared at me, shrugging. "Just, stay away from me for a while."


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