11: Rule One

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Two hours; it took me nearly two hours to get from where I was buried, to the boarding house

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Two hours; it took me nearly two hours to get from where I was buried, to the boarding house. "I swear, if someone isn't in front of me in two seconds, explaining why I just had to climb out of a grave, someone is going to lose their head!" I yelled, waiting for some sort of response, but there was nothing. I started walking through the house, checking the rooms that the brothers could potentially be in, but they were all empty.

I groaned, grabbing Damon's phone charger and putting my own on it before going into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, "gross." I muttered, looking at the dirt that covered every inch of my body. I started stripping, leaving my clothes where they landed, before getting into Damon's large shower. After cleaning my body, making sure to get every speck of dirt off, and washing my hair, I got out. I put my robe, and starting looking around Damon's room for my bag of clothes. I looked under the chair that was beside his dresser, but instead of finding my bag, I found a pair girls underwear, that weren't mine. "So, whilst I was buried alive, Damon was sleeping with some girl. Cool." I muttered, throwing the underwear onto his side of the bed.

I walked over to my phone, it was now at 34%. I took it off the charger, taking a picture of the thong, and sending the picture to Damon, with a text saying "Dick move." seconds after.

Not but five minutes later, I heard the front door slam shut, and in seconds Damon was standing the the doorway of his room. "How are -" Damon's eyes were wide as he started to talk but I cut him off.

"No. I've had a horrible night, so I'm talking first." I pointed my finger up at him, shushing him, "for starters, I woke up in a horribly made coffin, then I had to break out of the coffin itself, and I had to dig my way up through the dirt. And while in said coffin, I listened to a couple of voicemails, and everyone said that Elena told them I had left town, then I had to walk here from my fucking grave."

"And all I wanted to do was come back here, and shower, and cuddle with my boyfriend. But instead of finding him, I found a thong that was not mine. So, if you would like to explain why there is a pair of underwear in your room, I'd love to hear it." I finished yelling, not realizing I was crying until I finished.

"I was grieving, if didn't mean anything, it just happened." Damon stated, his eyes still wide as if he had seen a ghost.

"Grieving? What the hell were you grieving?" I wiped my cheeks, enough those tears were still falling down.

Damon's eyes changed, instead of them looking shocked, they looked almost sad. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" I groaned, sniffling.

Damon started walking towards me slowly, "Elijah killed you, Blair."

I squinted at him, shaking my head. "No, he didn't. If I died, I wouldn't be here right now." I ran my hands through my hair, closing my eyes.

"It happened, Blair. You just don't remember it. You died nearly 18 hours ago." Damon sighed.

"Not even 18 hours and you slept with someone," i huffed, not wanting to think about me potentially dying.

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