30: The Fuzzy

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"the fuzzy"

   Dear Diary, life sucks

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   Dear Diary, life sucks. I wrote onto an empty page of an empty diary that Elena gave me. "This isn't helping!" I yelled out to Elena. She suggested that I write to get out some frustrations.

   Elena let out a small laugh as she walked into my room, "B, you have loads to write about. Jenna. Isobel. John. Stefan. Damon. Elijah. Life hasnt been great for you lately, this will help once you actually try."

   I sighed as I leaned back into my headboard. Elena only smiled before leaving. I placed the pen down and started again. It really does. Jenna found out about Isobel's being alive and isn't taking it well. She won't let me, Elena or Ric explain. Isobel is back in town with no explanation. She's probably just here to torment her children because what else does she have to do with her life? She's a lonely vampire with no friends. John is also back, thanks to Stefan. Even though Ric was the only who temporarily-killed Elijah, I blame John the most. It was his idea. He brought the dagger and the ash. He knew how I felt about Elijah and still encouraged Damon and Ric to dagger him. Damon. Damon. Damon. Damon was very willing to dagger Elijah even though I basically gave him an ultimatum. I was dumb. Elijah isn't actually dead. I shouldn't be as angry as I am at Damon. But he just gets me. I want to be with him physically and emotionally. Currently and forever. God I sound like a middle schooler about her 3-day crush. Speaking of crushes- writing of crushes? I don't know, but Nick is in town in all his Nick-glory. I have no idea why he's here either; but I'm not mad at his arrival. He was my first love, even if he did leave me without a lick of an explanation, I find it hard to hate him. Part of me thinks that if Damon and I were completely done, I'd go back to Nick. I paused, now imagining life with Nick as my boyfriend again. The imagining ended quickly though, because Damon walked in. Not really into my room, but into the pretend imagine in my head.

"Elena, this is definitely not helping!" I closed the diary and threw it onto my nightstand. "I'm going for a run."

"Be safe!" Elena called out, staying in her room. I grabbed my (really Elena's) Nike's from my closet and pushed my feet into them while tugging on my jacket.

I rarely ran, but I had so much on my mind currently, and i thought it may be more helpful than writing everything out. I climbed into my car and drove to the part of the woods where people partied. There were trails out there and I knew them pretty well.

I ran for close to thirty minutes before a snapped stick caught my attention. "Probably just an animal," I muttered to myself. Trying to get the idea of Klaus following me out of my head. He wouldn't want anything to do with me. There's no reason for him to be following me. I shook my head before I started running again.

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