32: Confession And Compulsion

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" confession and compulsion "

   Elena, Bonnie and a lawyer stood in the middle of the boarding house while Damon, Stefan, and I were outside the front door

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Elena, Bonnie and a lawyer stood in the middle of the boarding house while Damon, Stefan, and I were outside the front door. "You really think bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asked, glancing between Stefan and I.

"She said she could channel enough witch's power to kill him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an original, so." Stefan shrugged.

"We just need to find him." Both Salvatore's looked at me.

"If I see him, I'll let ya know." I faked a smile as I crossed my arms and leaned against the door. "But I doubt he's just walking around town waiting for the full moon. We should have Bon do a spell to find him."

"She would need something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked." Stefan sighed, both Damon and I nodded.

We were all silent for a second before Damon spoke up again, "do you think he killed her?"

My heart broke a little. I knew he was talking about Katherine. I just didn't know why he was asking, but my first thought was that he didn't want her to be dead because he was still in love with her.

"Katherine? Probably." Stefan said. I think Damon could tell that I wasn't all that happy with the question.

"It's not like she didn't have it coming." Damon spoke just as Elena opened the door. The lawyer walked out, Elena yelling out a thank you as he did.

"Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?" Elena smiled as she said my.

"I would love to, thank you." Stefan smiled back, walking past the threshold. Damon and I stood on the opposite side as Elena's smile fell.

"What are we, twelve?" Damon smirked at her, annoyed.

Elena crossed her arms over her chest. "One of us is. If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner?"


Elena sighed, "Seriously, Damon. My way, you promised. I call the shots. No lies. No secret agendas. Remember?"

"Yes, Elena. Sure."

"Then, please, come in." Elena gestured her hand into the house and allowed Damon in.

"Really? Why am I the last one invited in?" I groaned as Elena stepped closer to the seal.

"If I let you in -"

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