24: Party-Crasher

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   I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating harshly against my bedside table, letting out a quick yawn, I leaned over and grabbed the phone

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating harshly against my bedside table, letting out a quick yawn, I leaned over and grabbed the phone.

New Message : Elijah Mikaelson stayed lit on the home screen until I swiped it right and typed in my passcode. The message app opened automatically, mine and Elijah's prior texts showing up on the screen. The newest one from Elijah reading; "Will you be there tonight?"

I paused, unsure of where 'there' was. I started typing the response, "hm.. If you mean hiding away in a secret destination, then yes..."

   I stayed in bed while I waited for a reply, even though Stefan was starting to make breakfast downstairs. Luckily, Elijah replied fairly quick. "Damon has invited me to a dinner party tonight, I assumed you would know about it. Apologies."

   I let out a confused breath. Unsure as to why Damon would throw a dinner party for someone he despises. Worried of what Damon may do, I typed, "You'd assume so.. Who's all going & what time is it? I'll be there."

   I groaned as I got up to change into my day clothes, which consisted of shorts and a tank top because Damon didn't think to pack any jeans, leggings or "warm" clothes. I slowly made my way down the stairs, my phone in hand. Stefan was in front of the stove, currently making scrambled eggs. "So, any plans for the day?" I asked nonchalant as I sat on the counter beside the fridge.

Stefan shook his head, "nope. Elena is still sleeping so I'm not sure if she has anything planned."

"So, could I barrow your car?" I smiled innocently as he turned from the stove to look at me.

"Where do you plan on going?" Stefan had finished the eggs so he was dishing them onto three plates, which all had toast on them.

"Oh, no where. There's this little park a few miles down." I didn't lie, there is an old park Elena and I used to play on, but that's not where I was going to go. "I wanted to go and clear my head, but I don't want to walk."

Stefan handed me a plate, "when would you be back?"

I shrugged, feeling my phone vibrate against the counter. "A few hours, at most."

I grabbed my phone and read the text from Elijah, "it's just your aunt Jenna, Alaric, damon and I as far as I know. It's supposed to happen at 7." I nodded, locking the phone and placing on the counter beside my thigh. "So, can I?"

"Sure." Stefan sighed, handing me his keys. "Be back by dinner though, I'm making spaghetti."

"Mhm," I said taking the last few bites of my breakfast, knowing I wouldn't be eating the spaghetti. Stefan took Elena's plate of food up to her room while I put mine into the sink. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, and applied a little mascara before heading out.

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