Chapter 7: Darkkit's Voice

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Alright! Chapter 7! When this chapter was released we had 46 votes which is awesome! I know we have more than 3 readers. We should be able to reach it the day this is put out. (Using past tense for if people read this after we reached 50) Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

Flamepaw, Spiritpaw, Icepaw, Flightpaw, and Silverclaw were on their way to find out where the dog went. One thing was still on Flamepaw's mind. 'A beautiful cat like her doesn't deserve a monster like you!' Monster? Flamepaw wondered. Why am I being called a monster?! Sure I've destroyed one den before but every cat does that, right? Then again, Flightpaw and Silverclaw hasn't. But that still doesn't mean I'm a monster! I have these powers but he shouldn't know about that and that still doesn't mean I'm a monster!

"Flamepaw, can you pick up the dog's scent?" Silverclaw asked. Flamepaw opened his mouth to look for the scent. Flamepaw was one of the best scent trackers in the clan. Flamepaw immediately picked up the dog's scent. It seemed to be running in the direction of AquaClan, which was north of Thunderclan territory.

"This way." Flamepaw meowed and started to following the scent. Everyone followed behind him. Thunder boomed again as they followed the scent. They followed the scent till they were near the AquaClan border.

"Looks like he went into AquaClan's territory." Silverclaw meowed.

"Yeah." Icepaw agreed.

"Hello Thunderclan cats." a she-cat's voice meowed. they seen a black and white she-cat pad up to them. A white and brown cat and a ginger tom with dark stripes.

"NightHowl. I haven't seen you in a long time." Silverclaw meowed.

"Yeah. It's nice to see you again." NightHowl meowed. She looked over at Spiritpaw. "I haven't seen you before. Are you a new cat in ThunderClan?"

"Y-yeah." Spiritpaw replied. "I'm Spiritpaw. You're NightHowl right?"

"Yep. This is my apprentice, Owlpaw," NightHowl pointed her tail at the brown and white she-cat. "and this is Sharpstripe." She pointed her tail at the ginger tom with dark stripes.

"It's nice to meet you." Spiritpaw meowed.

"This is a nice chat but there are some serious things we need to talk about." Silverclaw meowed.

"How serious is it?" NightHowl asked.

"AquaClan could be destroyed serious." Silverclaw replied. NightHowl nodded. Thunder boomed in the distance.

"Follow me to Aquastar. We should probably discuss this with her." NightHpwl meowed. Silverclaw nodded. They started walking to the AquaClan camp. Spiritpaw found it weird that even though she was from a different clan they didn't seem to care. They didn't the cats they were escorting in the middle of the group. They let the ThunderClan cats walk where they wanted to in the group. Silverclaw even was talking to NightHowl like they were best friends. Flamepaw had his head down and was deep in thought.

~~~Time skip~~~

Flamepaw was deep in when he heard a voice he ever thought he would heard again.

'Flamekit!' Flamepaw stopped. Darkkit! Flamepaw turned to his right where the noise came from. He seen nothing but trees, grass, and flowers. His brother was nowhere to be seen. Flamepaw darted off towards where the voice came from. Silverclaw and the others called his name but he didn't stop. I have to find him! He's alive! I know he is! Flamepaw ran faster.

'Flamekit! Where are you?!' Thunder boomed again. Flamepaw ran like his life depended on it, following his older brother's voice. Flamepaw started to slow down. He came across the place where his mother had him and his brothers. It was a huge rock that covered the actual den. A tunnel led down into the den.

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