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So here's the prologue. Kinda sad. My friend who helps me write this says I'm pretty mean when it comes to writing this. The probably only good chapter where nothing bad happens to any cat is chapter 3. Also you're probably wondering how I know what happens in the future chapters. Well, I started writing this weeks ago and have a few chapters ready to put up just in case so you guys have a chapter every week. Plus, I when I started writing this I put it up on Google+ first and then cleo188 on here said I should put it on here so I did. Here are the cats that are from Fairy Tail just as warrior cats:
Natsu - Flamekit - Flamepaw
Gray - Icekit - Icepaw
Happy - Flightkit - Flightpaw
? - Darkkit - pic above shall be my description of him. :3
All of these four cats are brothers. Moonglow is my OC. Well that's enough rambling from me. Enjoy the prologue! :3

I stumbled in the snow as I followed my mother to ThunderClan. My mother was Moonglow. She had me and my three brothers near the beginning of Leafbare. Flightkit was the smallest so my mother carried him in her mouth. My other two brothers were walking besides mother and I was behind her. I stumbled again. My black pelt looked white from the snow that clung to my it.

"Don't fall behind Darkkit!" I heard my mother meow my name through my brother's fur. I ran fast to catch up with my mother but stumbled in the snow because my paw slipped. Instead of landing face first into the snow I fell down into a dark damp underground cave. The air smelt musty and I couldn't see anything besides the hole that I fell down because of the white snow and the light that came from it. I climbed through the hole I fell from. I slipped from the snow a few times while climbing but I managed to climb up.

"Mom!" I meowed as loud as I could. No response. "Mom!" my mother didn't respond. She was already gone. She was in a hurry and left me by accident, I thought, Maybe I can find my way there myself. I couldn't smell my mom's scent because of the snow so I couldn't follow her. I took a paw step further and it was too cold. I didn't have enough fur to keep me warm. I climbed back down the hole I fell down in because it was warm in the underground cave. Maybe she'll realize she forgot me and come back, I theorized. I decided to sleep while I waited so I have energy to follow her when she comes back. I laid down and wrapped my tail around me and rested it over my muzzle. I was restless at first but I finally fell asleep.

~~~Time skip~~~

    I woke up and stretched. I looked at the hole I fell down earlier. The snow storm had cleared up.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I heard a cat's voice I had never heard before meow. "Did a little kit lose it's mother?" I turned around to see a yellow and black spotted cat walking towards me. I stepped back.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me? I'm Jackal. I live in this underground cave with my friends near the border of a group of cats that call themselves Thunderclan." Jackal replied.
"ThunderClan! We're near the border of ThunderClan?!" I questioned excitedly. If he knows this forest he can take me home! I thought excited.

"Yep." Jackal replied. "Why are you so excited about that?"

"That's where mom was taking me and my brothers but I fell down here and lost her." I meowed looking down towards the ground. "Can you take me home to my mother?" I asked looking up towards Jackal.

"No" Jackal replied in a stern voice. My tail dropped by his answer.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Me and my friends are enemies of Thunderclan. If they saw you with me they might think you are with us and hate you." Jackal replied.

"Oh. I understand." I meowed. I looked down towards the ground again. Mom hating me? I thought. My heart was broken.

"Since you have no where else to go, why don't you live here with me and my friends." Jackal meowed after a while.

"Really? You will let me live here?" I asked.

"Yep, but first I need to know your name." Jackal replied.

"My name is Darkkit." I meowed.

"That won't do." Jackal meowed shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well first of all, you're not going to be a kit forever and me and my friends are not going to change your name for you. Second of all, you're not in a clan and that's a clan name. let's find you a new name." Jackal meowed.

"O-ok." I meowed.

"First I need to introduce you to my friends and they can help pick out you're new name." Jackal meowed turning towards the deeper part of the cave. I nodded and padded beside him.

"Why are you and your friends enemies of ThunderClan?" I asked Jackal.

"We use to live where they do but there were to many of them and they chased us away from there. We tried to chase them off but we failed. We became enemies after that." Jackal replied.

"Oh." I meowed and kept padding through the underground cave with Jackal.

Yep. Jackal is here. Well anyways, who do you guys think Darkkit is? Give it a guess even if you don't know. I would love to see what you guys think. Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter! Please vote too!

Next chapter: Chapter 1: Life as a Kit.

Fairy Tail Warriors!: Book 1: The Beginning (Oh Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now