Chapter 11: Battle On The Island

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Chapter 11! Before I put these author's notes, this chapter was 1600 words exactly! Don't know how I did that but yay! Also my little sister is turned 1 a dew days ago! Anyways, enough about my personal life, enjoy this chapter!

The small group of cats finally reached the island. Erigor hadn't arrived yet with his group of rogues.

"Looks like they haven't arrived yet." Silverclaw meowed. "This gives us a chance to get ready. Flamepaw, Spiritpaw, you two stay hidden near here and give a signal when they come. Spiderleg, Lionblaze, Dovewing, and Brakenfur, go to the right side of the island and wait for a signal to attack the rogues. Flightpaw, Icepaw, Brightheart, Thornclaw, do the same but on the other side of the island and I will come join you after I explain to Bramblestar and the other leaders. Do I make myself clear?" The cats nodded their heads. "Remember, these cats don't go by the warrior code so they aren't afraid to kill you. Hurry up and get to your positions." With that every cat got to their positions. Flamepaw and Spiritpaw hid behind a bush near the tree-bridge.

"Spirit, are you okay?" Flamepaw asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Spiritpaw asked, looking away a little.

"You seem to be ignoring me now. Lionpaw didn't make you start to hate me, did he?" Flamepaw asked.

"No, he didn't. Let's just focus on the task Silverclaw gave us." Silverclaw meowed and crawled under the bush to get a good view but where she is hard to see. Flamepaw crawled beside her. He was filled with nervous but excited energy. "Stop squirming!" Spiritpaw hissed.

"S-sorry!" Flamepaw whispered. Jeez. What's got in her pelt to make her so snappy? Flamepaw wondered. Maybe she's just having trouble getting over what happened last night after the gathering. Yeah, that has to be it.

Suddenly, a new, unfamiliar scent came from the tree-bridge. It smelt different then the clans' scents. The rogues. Flamepaw thought. Flamepaw crawled from under the bush and signaled Spiderleg's group, whom then signaled Silverclaw's group. The cats got ready to pounce and waited for Spiritpaw to tell when the rogues got the island to attack them. The group of rogues got to the island and Spiritpaw let out a battle cry, sign a sign a cats to attack. Cats jumped from behind bushes and startled some of the rogues.

"Attack!" The cat that seemed to be leading the rogues meowed. Flamepaw tackled a muscular tom and was thrown off of the rogue not to long after. The rogue pinned Flamepaw to the ground and Flamepaw used his back legs to clan at the rogues belly. The rogue let out a yowl of pain and ran off across the tree-bridge. Flamepaw got up, only to be tackled again. Silverclaw tackled the cat, allowing Flamepaw to get up again.

"Stay on guard!" Silverclaw meowed and raked a cal down the rogues side. She let the rogue get up and run. "You have to be careful when in battle." Flamepaw nodded to show that he understood and Silverclaw ran off to fight another cat. Flamepaw looked around for another cat to fight and seen Spiritpaw pinned to the ground by a rogue.

"Get off of her!" Flamepaw yowled and jumped at the rogue. He pinned the rogue to the ground but the rogue threw him off and pinned him to the ground.

"There's no way I'll let little apprentices like you beat a leader like me!" The rogue hissed. Leader?! He must be Erigor! Flamepaw thought. The rogue went to slash at Flamepaw but a cat knocked him off. It was Spiritpaw.

"Flamepaw! Attack him while I pin him down!" Spiritpaw meowed as she struggled to keep the rogue leader pinned down. Flamepaw went to attack the leader but another rogue tackled him. How many rogues are there?! Flamepaw wondered. Flamepaw used his back legs again to throw the cat off like the other one. This one was harder to get off than the last one so it took longer. Once he knocked the cat off, he looked around for Spiritpaw and the leader, but they were gone.

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