Chapter 1: Life as a Kit

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Chapter 1! Yay! This is sad a little too. I think the only chapter I made so far that isn't sad or hurtful to the characters is chapter 3. Yeah... My friend says I'm evil to these characters. I agree. I'm just trying to make it exciting and like the plot of Fairy Tail so it's kinda hard not to make it sad. Well I won't ramble any more and let you read this chapter. :3
New Fairy Tail cats:
Erza - Silverclaw
Mavis - Fairykit - Fairypaw
Igneel - Firepelt
Mirajane - Demonheart

Flamekit's POV

Mom, whose warrior name was Moonglow, and my brothers were walking home to ThunderClan. My brother, Flightkit, was being carried by our mom. Icekit, my younger brother by a few seconds, was walking on the other side of mom. Darkkit, the oldest and 2nd smallest of the litter, was behind mom staying close enough to touch her tail with his muzzle. Mom ended up having us near the beginning of Leafbare and too far away from the ThunderClan camp to have us in the nursery there.

I seen that Flightkit and Darkkit shivering. I don't know why they're shivering. It's not that cold, I thought to myself. I glanced at Icekit to see him not shivering like me. I guess he doesn't feel cold either, I theorized. I guessed the reason why Darkkit and Flightkit are shivering because they were the smallest of the litter.

"Don't fall behind, Darkkit!" I heard mom meow to Darkkit. I turned around to see Darkkit pretty far behind. He was stumbling a lot. He started to run to us so I guessed he was going to catch up so I turned back around.

~~~Time skip~~~

We arrived at the ThunderClan camp and the first thing I noticed was how many cats there were. It made me feel a little uncomfortable. I've never seen so many cats before, I thought to myself. A muscular tom cat with a flame like pelt like mine ran up to my mother, Moonglow. Mom put Flightkit down on the ground.

"I'm glad you're safe, Moonglow." he meowed as he touched noses with her.

"It's good to see you again, Firepelt." my mother meowed.

"Mom, who's this?" I asked confused. My brothers came next to me probably wondering the same thing.

"This is your father, Firepelt" my mother replied.

"So these are my kits." dad meowed touching noses with me and my brothers. When he touched noses with me I could feel heat radiating off of him. "Three little ones."

"Three? But I had four kits." Mom meowed confused. I was confused too. I turned to look at my brothers to only see Flightkit and Icekit. Where's Darkkit? I wondered. Mom also noticed he was missing because she called out for him. "Darkkit! Darkkit where are you?!" Mom meowed loudly. All the noise seemed to draw cats out of their dens.

"What's all the noise about?" A plump tabby with a gray muzzle asked coming out of a den.

"One of my kits are missing, Purdy!" My mom said frantic.

"Calm down, Moonglow." dad said touching noses with mom. "We'll send patrols to look for him. Right now you should be in the nursery taking care of these three." he pointed his tail at me and my two brothers that were next to me.

"He's right." a silver haired cat said coming out of a den.

"I know, Demonheart, but I can't help worrying about him. He's my kit." Mom meowed. Mom used her tail to herd us to a den that I think is called the nursery by what dad said, Demonheart followed. I entered the nursery and I could smell the scent of mother's milk in the air. It also felt nice and warm inside.

"There's a fresh nest right here." Demonheart said pointing her tail at a bed of fresh moss and feathers. Mom laid down in the bed leaving enough room for me my brothers that made it to ThunderClan's camp. She looked worried. "The only way to prove that he's dead is if they find his body and he's dead." Demonheart meowed trying to stop mom from worrying.

"I know." mom replied looking less worried.

"I want to go look for my brother." I meowed.

"Aye!" Flightkit agreed standing beside me.

"Yeah!" Icekit meowed standing beside Flightkit.

"No." Mom replied raising her tail and pounding it against the ground over and over again.

"Why not?" me and my brothers meowed together.

"You're just kits. You would freeze to death in the cold. The deputy will organize a patrol to look for him." mom meowed her tail laying still on the ground.

"Okay..." I meowed looking down disappointed. Me and my brothers padded over next to mom and curled up in the nest beside her. Before I fell asleep I heard a cat yell, "Firepelt! I want you to go on a patrol to find your son with any two cats you want." I guess dad is going to be gone for a while... I thought as I drifted off into sleep.

~~~Time skip~~~

I turned five moons old today. It's been four moons since my brother, Darkkit, disappeared. We didn't find him anywhere or his body. Me and my brothers have started eating fresh-kill. It's also Newleaf now. Leafbare is over and flowers have started to grow. There also have been more kits than usual according to Demonheart. I've become good friends with Fairykit. There's other kits but I don't remember their names. Dad is on a hunting patrol so I decided to play with a ball of moss I found while waiting for him to return. I knocked the ball of moss around and chased after it. I seen an ice blue paw knock it a different way. I looked up to see Icekit.

"Hey! I was playing with that!" I meowed at him angry.

"Well I'm playing with it now." He sneered. I jumped at him. He dodged to the side and tripped me with his paw. He pinned me to the ground. I flailed my paws at him trying to knock him off of me but stopped when I heard her voice.

"Are you two fighting again?!" a angry voice bellowed. Icekit stopped pinning me to the ground and I jumped to my feet.

"No ma'am!" we both shouted.

"Good." Silverclaw, the fastest warrior, meowed walking away. I did an angry glance at Icekit and padded away. He returned the angry glance and padded away as well. I walked past Fairykit and heard her let out a mroow of amusement.

"Why do you two fight so much?" she asked padding beside me.

"He's annoying." I replied. She let out another mroow of amusement. "What's so funny?" I asked her confused.

"It's just that you two fight like he's from ShadowClan and you're from ThunderClan." she replied.

"I guess that makes sense." I murmured.

"There's an emergency!" a cat came into the camp yowling. It was Ivypool.

"What's going on?" Bramblestar said coming out of his den.

"Firepelt's missing!" Ivypool meowed panting.

"What?!" Bramblestar meowed in shock. Every cat in the clan had padded over to all the commotion. Dad missing? First Darkkit now dad... I thought to myself and looked to the ground.

"Flamekit..." I heard Fairykit murmur.

"I was hunting in a team with him and he was supposed to catch the prey and kill it when I scared it towards his hiding spot but he wasn't there! The prey ended up running away." Ivypool explained.

"Lead a patrol to go look for him where you last seen him." Bramblestar ordered.

"Ok." Ivypool replied. "Dovewing. Lionblaze." Ivypool called the two cats. They nodded their heads and followed her out of the camp. I hope they find him...

I'm mean to these cats. Literally. This is why I don't write Warriors or Fairy Tail! I leave that to Erin Hunter and Hiro Mashima to do that stuff. The things that could happen in Fairy Tail is reasons why I should not write it myself. The horror will continue too. Chapter 4 and 5 are really dark and crazy. Anyways hoped you liked this chapter!

Next chapter: Chapter 2: Lucy Meets Flamepaw

Fairy Tail Warriors!: Book 1: The Beginning (Oh Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now