Chapter 8: The Mysterious Black Cat

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As I promised for getting up to 50 votes, I would publish a new chapter! And guess what? We have done that! So here you go guys! A new chapter that's not published on Sunday, but sooner! Amazing right?

~In Fairypaw's dream~
A black cat with red eyes jumped onto the metal tendril Fairypaw was stuck in. He opened the metal tendril and jumped off. Fairypaw jumped out of the metal tendril.

As Fairypaw ran, she looked up to see the black cat sitting on a branch in a tree. He was watching her. Even though his eyes were red, Fairypaw could see the kindness in his eyes.

Fairypaw slowly faded out of that memory and into another one. This one was from when the apprentices were being taught how to hunt in teams. Fairypaw was hunting with Akemipaw.

Fairypaw was in a hunting crouch, but just incase she missed, Akemipaw was hiding ready to catch the prey. It was a mouse. An easy catch but something caught Fairypaw's attention, throwing her off a little bit.

Something black.

It was the same black cat that saved her from the twoleg. He was sitting in a tree. Why is he here? Who is he? Fairypaw wondered. No! I need to think about hunting! Fairypaw leaped at the mouse. Her jump ended up being too short and she missed. Akemipaw jumped out and killed the mouse with a swift bite to it's neck.

"Bad luck." Akemipaw meowed. Fairypaw looked to see if the black cat was still in the tree but he wasn't. "You ok?" Akemipaw asked.

"Y-yeah." Fairypaw replied.

"You sure?" Akemipaw asked.

"Yeah...I'm just...thinking..." Fairypaw meowed.
~Out of the dream~

Fairypaw was woken up by pain in her right back leg. She accidentally hurt it when she tried to get that mouse. She decided to go into the forest and walk it off. She also needed to clear her head.

She was careful not to wake up the sleeping apprentices and used the dirtplace tunnel to go out into the forsst without being seen. The forest was quiet. Fairypaw decided to go to the lake. Something caught her attention. She looked to see what it was and accidentally tripped over some tree roots.

"Oww!" Fairypaw yowled as immense pain shot through her back leg.

"Are you okay?!" A panicking voice asked. Fairypaw opened her eyes to see black paws running towards her.

"I-it...h-hurts..." Fairypaw managed to meow.

"What hurts?!" The cat asked. He was obviously panicking.

"M-my leg..." Fairypaw replied. The cat put his paw on her leg to see how bad it was. "Oww!" Fairypaw yowled. He quickly pulled his paw away.

"Sorry!" He meowed. "Can you stand?"

"I think so." Fairypaw replied. She used her front legs to lift herself up. The cat helped her up. Fairypaw was now standing on three legs, her hurt back leg lifted a little bit off the ground. The black cat went to Fairypaw's right side, the side with her hurt leg.

"You can lean on me if you want." He meowed.

"S-sure." Fairypaw replied and leaned against the cat. Her pelt was hot with embarrassment. They weren't far from camp so it didn't take long.

"Fairypaw!" Moonglow, who was guarding the camp for the night, meowed.

"I have to go. Meet me at the lake at night when you are better." The cat quickly whispered into Fairypaw's ear and darted off.

Fairy Tail Warriors!: Book 1: The Beginning (Oh Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now