Chapter 2: Lucy Meets Flamepaw

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Shall I explain the picture for this chapter? Well I asked my friend Cleo188 for a pic for this chapter and she gives me this. To be completely honest it is pretty funny and I did laugh when I saw this. I put it here just for the humor. Anyways enjoy this chapter! :3
New cats:
That twoleg that tried to catch Lucy - Bora (I had to)
Akemipaw and Vitanipaw are my friends
Lucy's twoleg - Jude

Trees rustled in the wind as stars shined in the dark sky. Lucy, a kittypet, sat on her twoleg's bed as she waited for him to return. She had already waited two days and only had company when the twoleg that comes over to give her food came over. She hated being alone.

She jumped off the bed and walked outside into the garden hoping one of her cat friends that live next door are up. She walked past all kinds of flowers in the garden. Roses, Daisies, and lots more.

She jumped onto the tall wooden fence that separated her garden from the rest of the world. Her friends weren't up. She didn't hear a 'hi' like she usually does in the morning. Instead, they were sleeping in inside. She didn't really expect them to be up. She was only up because she couldn't sleep.

She went to go back inside but she caught a glimpse of something. She turned to where she was facing away from the garden and saw a cat that looked like it had stars in it's pelt. It seemed to have noticed and it turned away from Lucy. It started to walk away and Lucy decided to follow the cat. It seemed to be leading her somewhere.

She passed by many twoleg dens before coming to a huge forest. The starry cat started to fade away till it completely disappeared. What was that? Where did it go? Was it a cat? Questions spun through Lucy's mind.

She was about to turn around and go home but then she smelt a mouse. Her stomach growled. She had never hunted before but she decided to try it anyways.

She located the mouse and got into a hunting crouch. She got closer to the mouse and was about to jump at it but she accidentally stepped on a twig. Snap! The twig made a loud noise that alerted the mouse and scared it away.

"Stupid twig!" she yowled kicking up dirt. She started to feel like she wasn't alone. She felt like something was ready to jump out at her. She was right. A flash of orange jumped at her and pinned her to the ground on her back. She realized it was a cat. The cat snarled at her. He looked to be the same age as her.

"What are you doing here, preystealer?!" the cat asked angry. He didn't smell like a kittypet like Lucy. Is this one of those wild cats that live in the forest? Lucy wondered.

"Do you live around here?" Lucy asked the cat. The cat stopped snarling and looked confused.

"Do you ask that to every cat that has you pinned to the ground and snarling at you?" he asked.

"Well this is the first time and you don't smell like a kittypet." Lucy replied.

"Of course I don't smell like a kittypet! I'm a clan cat!" the cat meowed getting off of Lucy. Lucy picked herself off the ground.

"A clan cat?" Lucy asked confused.

"You don't know what a clan cat is? Are you a kittypet or something?" he asked.

"I'm a kittypet." Lucy answered.

"Well you should leave. Us clan cats don't like kittypets. If I hadn't found you and some other cat found you they would claw your ears off." he meowed turning away from Lucy.

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