Chapter 9: A Gathering and A Meeting

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Chapter 9! Enjoy this chapter!
(No new FT cats)

Two days after Spiritpaw convinced Fairypaw to visit the black cat at the lake, a gathering was going to take place at night. Fairypaw wanted to go with Spiritpaw and Flamepaw but Jayfeather wanted her to stay behind just to make sure her leg fully heals. Fairypaw knew here leg was fully healed but she didn't want to make the blind medicine cat mad. Fairypaw decided to use this as an opportunity to visit the black cat and hopefully get a name out of him.

Fairypaw had already said her goodbyes to the cats that were going to the gathering and watched them as they left the camp. Not too long after they left, Fairypaw left the camp using the dirtplace tunnel.

~~~Time skip~~~

Spiritpaw was walking to the gathering with some of her clanmates. She looked over at the lake that reflected the night sky. The stars and full moon shined beautifully on it's surface.

"I know something more beautiful than that lake." Lionpaw meowed to Spiritpaw.

"And I know a better way to get a mate than just pick up lines." Spiritpaw replied. Spiritpaw started to walk faster to get away from Lionpaw.

"Hey Spirit!" Flamepaw meowed walking up beside Spiritpaw.

"Spirit?" Spiritpaw questioned.

"It's your nickname!" Flamepaw replied happily.

"Um o-okay?" Spiritpaw replied. Her pelt was starting to feel hot from embarrassment. He gave me a nickname? Spiritpaw thought. "Thanks I guess?"

"What are you so stiff? Loosen up a bit!" Flamepaw meowed.

"Sorry it's just this is my first gathering and there's going to be lots of cats." Spiritpaw replied.

"You'll get used to it. It's not like they can hurt you anyways." Flamepaw replied.

"Yeah, you're right." Spiritpaw replied and felt a little more relaxed. Lionpaw was watching from a little bit away and was upset at how close they were.

~~~Time skip~~~

Fairypaw was now at the shore of the lake as she waited for the black cat.

"So you did come." a voice meowed. Fairypaw turned around to see the black cat padding out of the forest.

"Yeah." Fairypaw replied.

"I'm glad you're better." He meowed. "Anyways, I don't know your name. Could you tell me it?"

"Uhh...s-sure. I'm Fairypaw." Fairypaw meowed.

"Fairypaw. It has a nice ring to it." He replied.

"Thanks." Fairypaw replied. "Can you tell me your name since I told you mine?"

"Sure. I'm Zeref." Zeref replied.

"Zeref?! That's your name?!" Fairypaw asked shocked.

"Yeah. Is there something wrong?" Zeref asked tilting his head.

"Well there's these stories about you. You kill everything around you." Fairypaw meowed, backing up a little bit.

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