Chapter Four

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*Vic's POV*
I was never much of a drinker, but today was one of those days where I really needed a drink. I entered a local club/bar and ordered a shot of tequila.

"Hey there, may you please show me your ID?" The bartender asked.

I rolled my eyes, I was always mistakened for being younger than I usually was but I showed him anyway.

"I hope it isn't a fake ID," he chuckled as he served my shot, "What brings you here?"

"I just came here to have a drink, that's all," I brought the shot glass to my lips, quickly swallowing the liquid as I felt it burn down my throat.

"That's what they all say," he poured me another shot, "I'm here if you need to talk."

"Can I at least know your name first?" I quickly swallowed the other shot.

"Easy there, you wouldn't want to wake up with a hangover. Trust me, I would know," he lightly scrunched up his nose, "My names like the drink Jack Daniels but replace it with Barakat."

"So... Jack?" I laughed, he made saying his name all so complicated.

"Yeah, Jack," he gave me a big cheesy smile, "And what may yours be? Can I guess?"

"Go ahead, hand me another shot while you're at it."

"Hm... You look Mexican so I'm guessing... Juan."

I burst out laughing, "You racist mother fūcker, nice try though."

"Now I'm thinking of Mexican singers... How about Vicente Fernandez? He's pretty popular."

"Okay, one, that's pretty close. My fathers name is Vincent and it's also my middle name. Second, how in the world do you know about him? You don't really look... hispanic."

"I've been working at this bar for years, you'd be surprised about the variety of music that drunk people put on. It's amusing and I get to listen to something new."

"Interesting..." I downed my third shot, already starting to feel numb.

"And I give up, just tell me your name already."

"It's like Bic, the brand of lighters, but replace the B with a V so you get Vic," I held in my laugh as I mocked what he did earlier.

"Touché. So Vic, now that we know each other, mind telling me what brings you here?"

I sighed, "It's kind of difficult to explain."

"I highly doubt it, I've heard some crazy stories here, so I think I can keep up."

"I'll try to make it short," he passed me some kind of cocktail, "So I met this... person, we've stuck together and knew each other for years and from one day to another, they just... disappeared."

He gave me a confused look, "What? That person just walked away?"

"Yup. No explanation whatsoever," I chugged down the fruity cocktail, not caring if I was going to wake up with a hangover.

"Well if you're planning on getting drunk, please hand me your phone and wallet so that you won't get robbed or something," concern written all over his face.

"Thanks, man," I don't know why but I trusted him so I just handed him everything, "And take the money from my wallet to pay for all my drinks and shít."

He sighed, "I won't do that, I'll make sure you're sober when you pay."

I shrugged, "Whatever floats your boat. Hand me the strongest thing you've got."

Before I knew it, I was dancing with people I didn't even know, or at least tried to. I was stumbling around, everything seemed to be moving and I decided to go sit down.

The bar must've closed when I had fallen asleep because it was quiet until I heard Jack talking, "Um, hello? Sorry for calling at this time but can you please pick up Vic? I found your name in his contact list, he's at my bar and I wouldn't want him going home alone. Okay, thanks."

I couldn't keep my eyes open so I drifted back to sleep, I felt like I could sleep anywhere and nothing would wake me up.

"Vic, what happened?" I felt someone lightly press their hand on my back.

"Huh?" I struggled to see who was talking to me, I couldn't keep my head up.

"C'mon, let's go," I felt him put my arm around their shoulder, trying to make me stand up but I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders and my legs felt like noodles.

"I want to sleeeeep," I slurred.

"I know but you've gotta help me here," he huffed, "You know what? I give up."

Next thing I knew, he picked me up bridal style and began walking, "Now I see why you called me, thank you."

"No problem," I heard Jack respond.

It was dark so I couldn't see who was carrying me. I didn't care so I fell asleep into the person's arms.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
How is everyone spending their Valentine's Day? I'm spending mine in bed while reading fanfics .-.

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