Chapter X (Annabeth)

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"Percy, what are you doing?"

Annabeth had thought her day would go smoothly...yet she was wrong. She hadn't even reached afternoon yet. And here she was, sitting at a bench in the palace gardens, watching the son of Poseidon prowl around the perfectly trimmed bushes. Hazel snoozed beside her with her head upon her folded arms, resting against the table. The General had had to wake the poor girl early this morning so she'd be present for the choosing of the crew. Overall, Annabeth wished she was doing the exact same thing, yet she resigned herself to keep an eye on Percy. That guy had a habit of causing trouble, willingly or not.

At the moment she watched him disappear behind a large thorn bush, only to reappear on the other side. But there he paused, and his movements turned predatory. It was like watching a lion-or more precisely a shark- circling prey. 

"Percy?" Annabeth said again, huffing slightly and placing her elbows on the table. But once again he didn't give any inclination that he'd heard her. She rested her head on her hands and simply watched.

His black hair seemed permanently ruffled to the side, like a constant wind was pushing it so. The grey of his shirt and brown of his pants were crinkled beyond repair, and as always, he wore the exact same pair of brown, rugged boots. Any common folk could have easily mistaken Percy as one of them, maybe even lower. The only thing that separated him for the common crowd was the way he moved. Sometimes graceful, sometimes clumsy. And there were times- kind of like now- where he'd turn predatory. Only much worse when in a serious situation. And somehow she knew all this from only spending a few days beside him, trying to learn everything she could. 

Now she witnessed Percy slowly moving towards the old olive tree in the centre of the garden, its highest branch towering above the garden walls. He pulled himself up onto the lowest branch, and crouched there for some time. Annabeth was about to make a third attempt to talk to him, but was suddenly caught off guard when he lunged. His target must've been for the branch directly above him, but things went downhill from there. The loud snapping of a branch rang clear, and in the next instant Percy followed suit, shouting profanities until he hit the ground with a heavy 'oomph'! A crow flapped its wings and squawked off at the commotion, and it finally dawned on her. Percy was trying to catch the bird.

A burst of booming laughter escaped Annabeth as she nearly fell backwards off her seat. Hazel was startled awake and whipped her head in every direction, most likely trying to figure out what was happening. Annabeth's side was in stitches when she finally quietened down. She rose from the table and walked over to the fallen pirate, offering her hand. Percy looked up at her with a small, sheepish smile and took her offer. 

"What on Olympus were you trying to achieve?" she chuckled as she pulled him up with both hands. The son of Poseidon dusted himself off and rolled his right shoulder, rubbing it with his other hand.

"I thought I could catch it," he replied simply. 

"But why?"

He ruffled his hair even more and pouted. "I was woken up at a ridiculous hour and brought here, out of all places. I was trying to shake off the grogginess." 

Annabeth found that to be a very poor explanation. "You just wanted to, didn't you?"

"Of course," he grinned. 

"What have I walked into here?"

Annabeth's attention snapped towards the new voice, her hand reaching for her concealed dagger. Though when she found out who had spoken her muscles relaxed and she let her guard down some. 

"Piper, have I ever told you it's dangerous to sneak up on me like that?" the daughter of Athena scolded.

The Queen of Athens stood slouched against a pillar on the side of the cobblestone path, amusement flashing in her eyes. Her silk gowns had been replaced with simple breeches and long sleeved shirt, but her hair was still in its elaborate braid. Today a green feather was woven into her strands of hair, kind of like the shade of Percy's eyes. 

"I am sure you have mentioned it once or twice before," she chuckled and promptly strolled over, "I was told there would be an event happening here sooner or later."

Percy piped up from the sideline after dusting himself off. "That would be correct, milady. I'm to choose who will be a part of my crew."

"'Milady'?" Annabeth mocked.


The Queen smiled. "It seems you need a reminder. There are no formalities here."

"Right," he said, "I should easily be able to remember that for next time." 

Annabeth left Percy and Piper with their idle chattering and switched her gaze to Hazel. The girl had pulled on very much the same ensemble as the daughter of Aphrodite, but her garments were more tattered and her frizzy hair and been forced back into a bun. At the moment she sat at the bench and looked on with mute curiosity, but also uncertainty if the General could tell. When her golden eyes focused on Annabeth and she realised she was being watched, she threw a hesitant smile and looked away.

"Piper," the daughter of Athena said, interrupting the conversation, "there is someone I would like you to meet." She had her attention as she nodded her head in the direction of the girl. Piper followed her line of sight and seemed to have caught on to what Annabeth was suggesting. 

"I shall be back shortly," she said and walked away towards Hazel. She and Percy watched as Piper made her way over, stopped before the table and caught the attention of Hazel. After that the Queen was soon seen in deep conversation with the Roman, laughter easily heard echoing around the garden.

"Smart move," Percy commented beside Annabeth, "getting them to connect."

"A necessary move," she replied.

She turned her head and looked at him squarely when he huffed. 

"Do you ever have fun? Is everything you do for your job?" He asked. Annabeth tried discerning anything but sincerity in his voice, but it was exactly that only. He must've generally believed she did nothing but work.

"Of course I do, just when I find the time." 

"And I mean fun as in a side-hobby-or-activity-you-like-to-enjoy not work-all-day-then-go-home-and-then-work-some-more," he stated.

"I find the things I enjoy would be different to your perception of fun." 

"And it is there that I do not doubt you," he laughed. His face lit up as his grin reached his eyes, and everything about him seemed to change. He was always carefree even when he wasn't smiling, but those were times when he looked too uninterested. But when he did appear amused or happy, she couldn't help but want to be happy as well. It was like his aura, he was the one you wanted around if you needed comfort or appreciation.

"...What is that?" Percy questioned, his smile fading into a look of confusion. Annabeth followed his line of sight and saw the distinct weapon Maimer of Clarisse La Rue bobbing up and down on the other side of the wall. The faint shuffling of many pairs of feet could also be heard, and dull murmurings barely audible as well. 

"It appears you potential crew mates have arrived."

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