Chapter six

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I have actually been out. Just a quick message. In my chapters, I'm now gonna start putting song lyrics which best describes either the story or about the chapter itself.

So if u have any ideas, either comment them, or inbox them to me.

Thanx luv u all.

My sugar daddy

Skye's pov

Shorty I don't mind. if you dance on a pole, that'll make you a hoe. I don't mind, if you take off your clothes, as long as your coming home, I don't mind.

I yanked a brush through my tangled hair, as I chatted to Chloe, who was stood beside me, blow drying her Gingar cascade of hair. A smile was covering her face, as she bragged about her first "date" with the fit lifeguard.

Whilst I powered through the chlorinated water, she was battering her eyelashes and flickering her hair about. Every time my head bobbed above the water, I could hear her either laughing or talking to the lifeguard.

By the time I had had enough, Chloe found out that his name was Cameron and had him put his number into her phone. They had already planned another date, but this time, there wouldn't be people walking around in bikinis and swimming trunks.

This is what it is like to hang around Chloe. She had all the boys eyes and number. Not only did she have beautiful ginger hair, but her sparkling eyes always caught their eye. She obviously learnt from the best.

"So our next date is going to be Pizza Hut. As we both love pizza that much", Chloe said, whist trying to control her giggling. Her rosy cheeks lit up every time she said his name. I rolled my eyes at her dramaticness, but carried on listening to her, like a good friend.
Ryder's Pov
I frowned, tapping my foot, as I waited for Ellie to finish blow drying her endless amount of hair. This was the problem with having a girl as a good friend. They want to take you shopping and make you go to one direction concerts. So not cool.

Finally, Ellie's brunette head was bobbing towards me. A smile spread across my face. The room always lit up, as soon as Ellie walked in. A beam reached her lips, spotting me sat on the black leather sofa.

"Hey gay bestie", Ellie giggled, loudly. She skipped towards me.

I frowned, as anger made my blood boil. "As I told you, I am not gay. I just haven't been out with someone for almost a year. I just haven't found the right girl."

"Yeah, right. I bet there is a special boy in your life, who you are keeping a secret from the world. Even your own best friend." Ellie pouted.

"Ok then, I'm going to kiss the first girl who walks through that changing room door", I said, matter of factly. I stomped towards the door, with a stick girl on the front, painted pink. I knew I looked like a perv, but I wanted to prove that I did not like dicks.

I heard girls giggling form the other side of the door, as the door swung open. I held my breath, as I grabbed onto a short girls shoulders, and planted a long kiss onto her lips. They felt surprisingly soft and fit perfectly on mine, and she relaxed, also obviously the kiss.

Before the kiss deepened further, I could no longer feel her luxurious lips against mine. My eyelids flickered open, and I sucked in a struggled breath, as I took in the beautiful girl in front of me. She has sparkling hazel eyes, and brown silky hair. Lowering my eyes, I admired where her shirt fell. It showed off all the best parts of her body.

"I...I...", I stammered, as I tried to think of what to say.

"Sorry about my friend here", my best friend came up beside me, saving my arse. "I dared him to kiss the first girl that came through those doors, and you were the unlucky person to open the door."

The girl standing in front of my giggled, and my heart fluttered. There was no sign of anger or disgust. Her eyes seemed to be doing exactly what mine where doing, just on my body. "It's ok. I'm quite a daredevil myself." Another cute giggle escaped her lips.

My eyes drifted over the girl next to her, who I had only just noticed. But she was too busy texting on her phone.

"Anyway, we'd better be heading off", Ellie said, trying to tug me towards the glass exit doors.

"Erm... I hope I don't sound too forward, but can I have your number?" I asked, hopefully.
Omg another chapter. I'm soooo sorry for the wait. I have been so busy!! So what do you guys think of Ryder? I couldn't think of a name, but I really like this one. Thanx for thinking of this name Sasha!!

Hope you guys like it. Thanx again for reading this and sorry again for the long wait. Won't happen again (fingers crossed)

Sorry for any typos. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

Luv megs xxx

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