Chapter twenty five

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Under the dark but fading lights, you set my heart on fire.

Skye's PoV
3 years later

The sound of children's happy laughter drowned my thoughts, as I pushed Georgi and my beautiful little princess, Memphis on the swings. Their giggles brought a smile to my face. I laughed at their persistent shouts, telling me to push the higher.

My eyes travelled over to the other children playing in the park, and my eyes eventually lay on my best friend. Crystal was helping my other little bundle of joy, who name is Spencer. She was helping him on the monkey bars, making sure that he didn't plummet to the hard Tarmac floor. And yes, not only do I have one child, but I also had twins. I was also surprised to find out that me and Ryder had both created twins.

My eyes lowered to Crystal's little baby bump, which was just beginning to show under her shirt. I envied that baby that was growing inside her. I would have loved to have a mother like her. And a father like Jack, who is Crystal's husband. They met just a week after the accident and where married two and a half years later. And now they were expecting a little bundle of joy themselves.

A stabbing pain ripped through my heart. This always happened whenever I though of him. His peaceful coma sleeping face, laying on the white pillows. His limp unresponsive hand in mine.

When the doctors had told me that they were going to pull the plug on his breathing machine, I refused to let them end his life. I fell in a crumpled heap in Francesca's, Ryder's mums, arms. I couldn't deal with loosing the one person that I truly loved. Especially as though his accident was all my fault.

And now, three years later, he is still in a coma hospital. He still lay unresponsive. But I knew, deep down, that he was still in their somewhere. I but back the tears, and tried to take my mind off of him.
I picked up the steaming hot cups of tea, and made my way onto my living room. Crystal was sat with Memphis bouncing on her lap. Georgi and Spencer were both playing on a mat on the floor, with loads of toys scattered across it.

I placed the mugs onto the coffee table, out of reach from the babies, and threw myself onto the sofa beside Crystal. "Thanks babes", she smiled at me. "So how are you?" She asked, with curious eyes.

"I'm fine", I nodded, trying to sound as honest as I could.

"No your not honey", she placed a hand on my shoulder. "You've been keeping all these emotions locked inside and your trying to be really strong. But sometimes, it is good to cry and tell others how you fee, especially to your best friend. And I know today must have been hard for you. Because it's been exactly three years since Ryder's accident. And I just want you to know that I'm here for you, always. And you know that." I could feel tears begin to cloud my vision, and I let them finally slid down my cheeks.

Crystal placed Memphis into the play mat, and wrapped her arms around me. A sob escaped my lips, and the tears began to fall faster. We sat just holding each other for what felt like an hours, and eventually I pulled away. My best friend wiped the tears from my cheeks and smiled at me.

"I honestly don't know how you do it. I would never be able to cope if that happened to Jack", Crystal said honestly. "How on earth do you do it?" She lowered her hand from my cheek.

I shrugged. "I don't really know. I just thought of Georgi and the twins. Their the only reason why I am still hear. And you of course. I wouldn't be able to be strong if it weren't for you", I poured my heart out. Tears began to prickle my eyes again, but I didn't let them fall. I've had enough of crying now.

"Well, you are the strongest and most amazing person I know. And I will always be here for..." But before Crystal could finish her speech from the heart, my ringtone blasted out of my phone. I picked it up and saw that the number was from the coma hospital, which Ryder was located. My heart raced and I clung to Crystal's hand for comfort. She squeezed it, and nodded, indicating for my to take the call. I pressed the answer button and placed the speaker to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Skye?" Asked the familiar voice of Ryder's doctor.

"Yes, this is she. Is everything ok?" I tried to keep my voice steady. My hand started to shake. I was just waiting for the news that I didn't want to hear, that I had been having nightmares about.

"Yes, everything's great. We just rang you to tell you that Ryder has made some signs of recovery. And we would like you to come down here", the cheery voice said. My eyes widened, and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel happy tears welling in my eyes.

"Ok I'll be right there", I said before hanging up. I stared at Crystal in amazement. "Oh my god, Ryder's showing signs of recovery. He's gonna be ok."
Hi guys, sorry for the long wait for another chapter. I have been so busy. Just to let you know, I have now finished the story. I hope you guys like the ending!!

If you want me to add another chapter, then just comment on this chapter somewhere, then I may consider it. Now that I have finished this story, I will be carrying on Keeping his baby, which is also a teen fiction. Would you mind going and checking it out?? I would really appreciate it.

I have nearly reached 800 views, my goal is 1000 views. That would be absolutely amazing. Then my dream of becoming famous on wattpad will be possible.

Thank you so much for reading my story and I couldn't have done this without all you guys. You are amazing!!

Well, see ya. Hopefully I will see some people in my next stories, which I will make better than this one, and I will update more. This is my first story on wattpad and I'm actually quite proud of it.

So thanks again.

Love you all


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