Chapter ten

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Teach me how to love

Skye's PoV

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes.

Sorry guys, wattpad deleted this chapter! Noooooo 😭😭😭😭 and I have changed it, so I would advice you to read this!!!

My eyes flickered open, as I squinted against the sudden light that was streaming through my window. I felt Ryder's arm tighten around my waist, which should have made me feel safe in his embrace. But I felt small and as if I couldn't look after myself. That I need a knight in shining armour to save me when I needed it.

I could feel him stir against me, and I pleaded for him not to wake up. Pins and needles started creeping up my arm, as it was wedged uncomfortable between the sofa and my leg. This did not feel romantic at all.

Suddenly, I felt a row of kisses, traveling from my neck, down to the top of my spine. I didn't feel tingles go through me, like I read in the books. The blazing fire heat was making me feel hot and sticky, Ryder's body heat also not helping.

"Hi babe", came his husky morning voice in my ear. Awkwardly, I shimmied around on the small sofa, trying to face him. A chuckle escaped his lips, as he found my struggling funny.

"Hi", I yawned, covering my mouth with my aching arm. The fire light danced in his eyes, his pupils directly on me. I don't know about him, but I found this moment very awkward. I tired to rack my brain for something to say. But I went blank.

Ryder pushed a strand of hair, which had fallen onto my face, behind my ear. His fingertips brushed against my skin. Still no tingles. I looked into his eyes to try and feel something toward this boy, who clearly had feelings for me. Nothing. I felt nothing towards this boy.

His finger hovered over my scar on my eyebrow. I held my breath and prayed that he wouldn't say anything about it. When he opened his mouth, I knew what he was going to say. "How did you get this princess?"

My heart pounded, but not because of what he called me. I felt nothing towards that. At all. " it's just a.. chicken pox scare. Silly really." I giggled, trying to make my story as convincing as possible.

Ryder frowned at my uncomfortableness. "Oh." There was a moment of silence, as he snuggled closer to me. I screamed, as I fell off the sofa, and fell face first onto the floor. A shooting pain went thought my chest, as I rolled over, a fit of giggles escaped from my mouth.

"Omg, Skye are u ok?" He asked, worriedly. But when he saw that I was ok and in a fit of giggles, a smile creeped across his face. He joined in with my laughter. "Ok, go get ready, I'm taking you on a date." I rose from the sofa, and made his way towards my bathroom.

Still giggling, I crawled into my bedroom on my hands and knees. I supported myself on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I cringed, looking at my tomato red face and bed head. I grabbed for my hairbrush, and tried to tame my thick brown hair. After my hair was perfect, and pulled my closet door open and peered inside.

It suddenly hit me. I didn't have a clue what we were doing, let alone going. I didn't want to walk into the bathroom, because God knows what Ryder was doing in my bathroom. So I reached for my phone, which I had thrown onto my head. I had a message from Crystal and Chloe.

iMessage from Bæ: hi babe. How was your dinner d8 with hot sugar daddy? Xxxxx

I smiled. Crystal was such a nosey best friend. I laughed, when I saw that the message was sent at 2:43. She had spent the day with her boyfriend. I clicked off messages and went onto Chloe's.

iMessage from da Gingar: hey u. Have u talked to hot stuff yet?? I need an update. Sorry I haven't spoke to u. Fit lifeguard has been keeping me busy!! 😉😉

I laughed to myself, as I read Chloe's message. She always had a guy on her hands. I don't know how she does it.

The bathroom door swung open, and Ryder stepped out. He smiled when he saw me. "Come on get ready. We're going to the fairground."

Yay an update. I can't believe it deleted my chapter. Well, I hope that this one is better. Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I have been really busy, because I have my GCSE English exam soon and I really need to focus on that. But don't worry, I will try to update regularly.

What do you think of Ryder and Skye together? Do you think that Skye should give Ryder a chance?

Thanx for so many reads. I nearly have 200!!!!

Sorry for the typos. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Luv Megs xxx

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