Chapter eighteen

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Truth is that no one can replace me. I know you'll remember me. One more kiss is all it takes.

Teach me how to love
Skye's pov

I threw the door of my apartment open, and I listened for any sign of life inside. But I was met with silence. My heart sank, as I realised that Ryder was not bam yet.

I pushed the door shut, and shoved the key into the lock. Throwing them into the little table beside the door, I shrugged my coat off. I padded over to the bathroom, and flicked on the shower.

Peeling my clothes off my body, I held my hand gingerly under the water. After the hot water started to click in, I stepped into the shower. I let the hot water spill onto my face, as dark trails of mascara streamed down my face.

I massaged shampoo into my hair, and squirted shower gel onto my sponge. I started scrubbing away to horrible hot and sticky feel on my skin, trying of wipe the trails of mascara from my face.

When my skin started to wrinkle of all the water, I flipped the shower switch off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing the crystal white towel off the radiator, and began rubbing the water of my body.

My head jerked up, as they picked up the sound of a door opening. My heart began to flutter, as I though it was Ryder. Wait, Ryder didn't have a key.

I grabbed my clothes, and hurriedly slipped them on. Whilst wrapping my long dropping wet hair into a towel, I crept to the door frame, and peeped out.

I sighed in relief, as I saw Crystal's slim figure, making it's way towards me. Her face lit up, as soon as her eyes met mine.

"OMG, Skye", she bolted into my arms, and pulled me into a tight hug. I placed a hand on the wall, so that we wouldn't topple over. "Why haven't you called? I've been worried about you bitch."

I laughed, as she tried to make her voice sound angry. But Crystal wasn't an angry person. "I'm sorry. I just needed some thinking time and a bit of time to myself."

Crystal gently pushed me away, so she could look into my eyes. "Alone time? That's not what Instagram told me."

I gave her a confused look. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

Crystal raised an eyebrow, not believing me. Then, suddenly it hit me. Me and Ryder had taken pictures at the fairground, and I had put it on Instagram.

"I'm sorry Cryst", I apologised, trying to show her that I really was sorry.

"Oh I'm not annoyed. I'm just glad you've finally found a boy to settle down with, and find another job", she smiled at me, genuinely looking happy for me. But I was about to burst her bubble. "Tell me all about it."
So I sat for the next few minutes trying to explain the eventful week I had just had. From the fairground, all the way to our night where we had slept together.

"OMG, wait. So you slept with him?" Crystal screeched, her dimples sinking deeper into her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled, as she listened to my little story.

"Yes, anyway.." I tried to carry on with the rest of my story. But Crystal wanted to know all the dirty details.

"No, what was it like? You know, having passionate sex with the person you love?" She asked me, placing her chin into her hands, her elbows onto her calfs.

"It's was great, I guess", I sighed, sinking my back into the comfy cushions of my bed. "But I really need to tell you something else."

"What? That your not satisfied with his 3 inch dick or something?" Crystal tried to keep a straight face, but we both ended up in a fit of laughter. I tried to calm myself down, so I could tell her about what horrible thing I had done.

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