Chapter thirteen

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Teach me how to love
Skye's PoV

Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half of a whole

I found myself in a tangle of white bedsheets, the sun peeping through the curtain. Feeling fully rested, I looked over at my clock on my small wooden table beside my bed. The numbers 8:32 glowed red against the black screen.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Swinging my legs over my bed, I padded over to my bedroom door, which was pulled two. I walked info my kitchen, to find Ryder, in only his black boxers. I looked at his toned back, his muscles working, as he made a up of tea.

Grabbing hold of two mugs, he turned around, to find me standing a few metres away from him. A smile spread across his face, as he walked over to me and tried to lay a kiss in my lips. But I turned my head, so his lips landed on my cheek.

"Morning beautiful", he whispered in my ear, with his husky morning voice. I could smell my minty toothpaste on his breath, and cringed. So he had used my toothbrush. Gross.

"So, I'm guessing you stayed the night then?" I asked him, following him into the living room. I looked at his bum, and my face dropped in disappointment. Well, I've seen worse. I shrugged my shoulders and fell onto the sofa.

Ryder walked over to the television, and pressed the power button. I picked up the sky remote, before he had a chance to. "Well, I wanted to make sure you were alright. I didn't want to leave you on your own." He sank into the sofa, and tried to cuddle up to me. Gingerly, I shuffled away from him, trying not to let him notice.

But he was too busy sipping his tea. "So, did you enjoy yourself yesterday?" He asked me, and looked into my eyes, hopefully.

I smiled at him. "Yes, I did actually." And I had. But that day and made me even more sure of the fact that I only saw him as a friend. Not as a boyfriend.

"Well, that alright then", he grinned looking up at the 50 inch TV. I had put on Dance Moms, as I had missed last nights one. "What the hell is this rubbish?" He asked me, pointing at the TV in disgust.

"It's called dance moms", I answered, turning the volume up.

"Well, I don't like dance moms, so..." He tried to reach for the remote, but I was ready for him. I held it out of his reach. Suddenly, much to my surprise, he had climbed on top of me, and was trying to yank the remote out of my tight grip. I screamed in frustration.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I screeched at him. The remote was being yanked out of my hand, and the channel was flicked over. A football match against Chelsea and Arsenal were on the TV.

He looked over at me, waiting for what I was gonna say. "Ok, this is an except. I don't mind watching fit guys  running around in short shorts." I smiled, as he frowned.

"Well, then. I'm guessing that you would like to come to my football match in Saturday. That way you get to watch your fit guy run around in short shorts." He looked at me, expectedly.

"I'd rather watch this any day", I muttered to myself. Ryder's face fell, and hurt flashed in his eyes. Guilt pumped through my body, as I suddenly realised what I had just said. "Omg Ryder, I didn't mean it to come out like that."

"Yeah, well how did you mean it to come out?" He spat, angrily at me. His face went red with both humiliation and hurt. "Well?" He asked me, when I didn't answer.

"Well, not like the obviously. It was just a joke", I spat back, sinking further into the sofa. It was one of those moments, when you really want the floor to eat you up.

Ryder rose from the sofa. "Where are you going?" I asked, following him towards the door. He flung it open. "You do realise that you are only in your boxers."

He looked down at himself, and his cheeks flushed red. He slammed the door and stormed into my bedroom. His clothes were screwed up across the floor, that I hadn't realise when I had woken up.

I grabbed hold of his broad shoulders, and turned him to face me. "Ryder, I'm sorry. Look I always do this. The truth is, I'm a horrible bitch, who can't seem to keep her mouth shut. I may look like a sweet quiet girl, who can look after herself very well. But I can't. Because I'm a whore, a bitch, a slut," all these words came pouring out of my mouth, and they wouldn't stop flooding out.

"Your not any of those things", he reassured me, cupping my face in his hands. All traces of anger has disappeared from his hostile eyes. Now they were soft and concerned.

I tried to keep my voice steady. "Actually Ryder, I am all those things. Well, the whore and the the slut part." Suddenly, I couldn't look at him in the eye. I took my hands off his shoulders, and walked over to my window. I looked at all the busy people, walking past, all caught up in their own lives.

"Wait, Skye. What do you mean?" He placed his hand on my shoulder and gently turned me around. I let him, and he looked down at me. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up, so he could look me in the eye."Skye, baby. What are you talking about?"

"I haven't told you about my job, the contacts on my phone or anything", I started breathing very heavily. Ryder noticed this, and looked at me in confusion and concern.

"Princess, what's wrong?" He asked me, pulling me into a warm hug. And I let him, as I fell into his toned bare chest. A silent tear tricked down my face, which started a whole bucket full of salt water.
We stood in each other's arms, for what felt like forever. Finally, he pulled back and wrapped around my waist. He lent his forehead against mine, and stared into my eyes. "Oh, baby. You know you drive me crazy." He confessed. "If there's anything you want to talk about, I'm here."

"Well, there is something I need to tell you", I muttered. I lowered myself down on the end of my bed, and patted the space next to me. Ryder sat beside me, and held my hand. I smiled up at him.

"Sure. Take your time baby", he smiled at me, and I felt my whole life story pouring put of my lips. Apart from something that I couldn't bring myself to. "I didn't exactly have the best childhood. But as soon as I was old enough, my father kicked me out. I was left on the streets and I had no way of going to any of my family. I came across this man, who had joined me on a park bench. He saw that I was homeless. So he asked me if I wanted a job. And I was pretty much willing to do anything for money. And when he said what job it was, I was kinda taken aback. But I took it despite my worries. Anyway..."

Ryder interrupted me, knowing that I wasn't going to continue with my job story. "Wait, wow. Hold on a minute. What job did he give you?"

I bit my lip as my heart raced. A blush started to creep it's way up my cheeks. "Ok, well I am what everyone calls a prostitute."
Yay she's finally confessed to him!! And I wrote a really long chapter for you guys, as I haven't updated in forever.

Anyways, what do you guys think of the chapter? Do you like these long chapters or the short ones? Because I don't know whether I should continue with short chapters or long.

And thank you for staying with this book. I really appreciate. I mean this is my first story on wattpad.

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Luv Megsxxx

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