Chapter fourteen

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I love to hold you close. I love to wake up next to you

Teach me how to love
Skye's pov

Ryder's eyebrows shot up and surprise covered his face. I was expecting hate and disgust. Behind his eyes, I could see his mind running and processing what I had just told him.

"A prostitute? You mean like someone who sleeps with men for money. A female version of a jigolo?" He asked me, still shocked and frowning in thought. He searched into my eyes. "Bbb but why babe?" He asked me.

"Well because someone offered me a job when I was living on the streets. And I had to take it. Here I am now." I looked up at him, waiting for an answer.

"I am still really confused", he confessed. "Why do you sell your body to random strange men who are like twice as old as you?"

The lid on my anger suddenly flew. Before I said anything to him, I tried to calm myself and continued. "Well if you had been in my situation then you would know wouldn't you?"

I crosse my arms across my chest and tilted my head. Ryder just looked at me, trying to figure me out.

"What happened to you Skye, that made you have to take a job like that?" Ryder's soft voice drifted into my ears, soothing me.

I shook my head, as tears threatened to spill down my face. His face clouded my vision. Ryder saw my reaction and was instantly worried. "Are you ok babe? You know that you can talk to me." He put his arm around my shoulder and drew my into his warm, strong embrace.
Ryder's pov
I held a sobbing Skye, as she shook in my arms. Tears started to soak into my new light blue t-shirt, but I didn't care. I was more worried about the broken girl in my arms.

When she told me that she slept with men for money, I didn't know what to say to her. And the scared and sad look in her eyes when I asked her why she had taken the job in the firs place.

As her sobs grew louder, I tightened my hold around her, trying to make her feel safe. She balled her hands into fists, clutching onto my shirt. I stroked her hair, trying to sooth her. She sagged against me.

We sat like that for a little while longer, until her sobs her no more. I gently pushed her back so I could see her face. Tear trailed marked her cheeks and her face was red and blotchy. I wiped away another tear before it splattered onto my jeans.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, taking her hands in mine. She smiled a thanks to me.

She sniffled before saying, "yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go get a tissue." She slowly stood herself up, and made her way towards the bathroom.

I sighed and sank into her white bed sheets. I rubbed at my face, and wondered why Skye looked so broken. Was it something I said? I questioned myself. Surely I hadn't. I gritted my teeth, hoping that was not the case.

Suddenly, I felt a slight dip in the bed and rolled over. I came, nose to nose, with Skye's beautiful swollen face. Even with a bright red face, she was still perfect.

"Why did you start crying? It wasn't me was it?" I asked her, worried that I had caused this.

Skye smiled and wiped her nose with a tissue. "No, it wasn't you. I just had a flashback. Something happened when I was younger", she started before her voice broke. Another tear trickled down her nose and dripped into the pillow. A wet trail marked her face.

"You don't have to tell me if your not ready", I told her, shimmying closer to her. I draped an arm on her waist and started drawing circles onto her spine. She smiled in satisfaction.

"I don't know. I always takes a lot out of me", she confessed and looked into my eyes. She brought her hand up and started stroking my cheek with her thumb.

We lay like that for a long time, until a rumble came from Skye's flat belly. "Hungry, babe?" I asked her, a grin creeping across her face. "Pizza?" I suggested, which made her face light up. "Pizza it is then."
Yay another chapter. I feel like this chapter took for ages to write. I came remember the last time I have updated. Feels like ages.

Anyway, how are you liking the story so far?? I hope I'm not boring you!!

Can you guys think of any cast members I could put into my story?? I am so bad with actors/actresses, so you'll had to bare with!!

A few days ago, I thought of this story idea. And I wanted to get all your opinions on it. It's gonna in a series. Please comment what you think or message me.

"I dare you, bad girl of Summerton high, to go out with me for a whole year."

"Well that sounds disgusting", she smirked at him. "What's in this for me?"

"If I don't win you over in a year, then you can keep your reputation and you'll be €100 richer. But if I do win you over, then I'll make your life hell, for the rest of your life."

Chelsea is the schools bad girl

Glade is the schools bad boy
Everyone at their school either wants to be them, or be with them. But both are too busy for love, and they suffer from commitment issues. But when Glade's twin brother, out of his many nine brothers, gives him a bet to be in a relationship with the schools bad girl, Chelsea for one year, he can't resist. With Glade's daredevil side and his reputation in the hanging, he agrees.
But that's not the hardest part. Glade has to ask Chelsea to be his girlfriend, and keep in a relationship with her for their last year at high school before they all go off to college. So he makes another deal, believing that he will win both.
This story is a teen fiction and maybe a bit of romance. Also, there are some mature scenes but I will warn you.

Do you guys like it? Don't know whether to turn it into a story.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Sorry for the typos

Megs xxx

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