Chapter twenty two

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I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.

Teach me how to love
Skye's PoV

I could feel Ryder's strong protective arms circle around my naked stomach tighter, as he stirred in his sleep. Out of all the guys I had been with in this exact position, they had never felt as right and as amazing as it felt now. I knew that I was deeply in love with this guy in my bed.

A smile creeped across my face, as the fond memories of last night came flooding into my thoughts. I'm surprised little Georgi wasn't disturbed by us! But he had stayed quiet all night. Well, that I had heard anyway.

I slowly lifted Ryder's arms from my body, and rose from the bed. I padded across the room and slipped my dressing gown around me. I heard a husky, muffled noise from the bed, but I couldn't quite make out what he had said.

"What? I can't hear you", I giggled, as a sleepy Ryder rolled over, and looked at me.

"I said get your sexy, gorgeous arse back in this bed", he tried to demand, even though he was still trying to wake himself up.

I pulled the bedroom door open, then turned around back to Ryder. "I will do in a bit. I'm just gonna check on the baby", I whispered, just in case Georgi was asleep. I didn't want to wake him and have him screaming the apartment building down.

Ignoring Ryder's groans and pleas, I tiptoed across the hall, to were we had left Georgi all night. His cute, big curious eyes were wide open and exploring my apartment. I smiled, and made my way over to him. His face instantly lit up. He reached his hands out, showing me that he wanted to be picked up.

I bent down and undid his car seat. Georgi giggled, as I picked him up out of his carrier and padded back across the floor, towards my bedroom. "Hey, Ryder", I cooed, kicking the door open wider. "Someone's come to see you."

Ryder lifted the pillow off his head, and sighed. I made my way towards the bed. "You do not realise how much of a handful he is. He had me up all night."

I rose my eyebrows in surprise. "Well, I didn't hear anything." And that was true. I had slept like a baby, with no disturbances at all.

"That was the whole point. I didn't want him to wake you, so I sat up with him pretty much all night", he grumbled, as I placed Georgi onto the bed. Giggling, he crawled over to his adoptive parent. I smiled down at the infant.

"You didn't have to do that", I said, watching Ryder as he circled his arms around his son. He seemed like a perfect father for him.

Suddenly, Georgi's face crumbled, and he began to cry. Ryder winced away from the sudden noise. "He'll need feeding. He hasn't been fed since like four." I looked over at my alarm clock. It was now eight.

Reluctantly, I rose from the bed and made my way into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to already find that there were six baby bottles, full of milk on the top shelf. Reaching for one, I began to prepare it for the baby to have.

I could hear heavy footsteps on the floorboards, then Ryder's voice drifted into my ears. "You know, if you really do want to raise Georgi with me, which I can't do without you, we have to go to the adoption centre like this week." My eyes drifted to his, they were pleading and worried.

I had made my decision last night, when Ryder had poured his heart out to me. "Ok, we'll go today. We need to get loads of baby stuff anyway." I turned back, and continued sorting the bottle. Suddenly, I felt Ryder's lips on my cheek and his footsteps going into the living room. Sighing, I picked the now warm baby bottle up and checked it wouldn't burn the poor child's mouth. It was just right.

I made my way into the living room, to find Ryder's naked body on the sofa, with Georgi bouncing on his lap. "Hadn't you better get changed? I'm sorry, but I don't want loads of your sperm on my sofa."

Ryder raised an eyebrow, rose and dumped our child into my arms. "Didn't bother you when we were having sex on you sofa." He grumbled. As he walked past me, I smacked his bare bum and went to sit on the sofa. Georgi was still crying, bless him. After getting comfy, I placed the bottle teat into his mouth, and he drank away, greedily. The poor child, Ryder must have starved him.

I slowly reached for the TV remote. Typical boys, always putting the sports channel on. I flicked the channel to The Backup Plan, which was one of my favourite movies. A few minutes later, Ryder came back in, fully clothes.

"Happy now?" He asked. He walked over and stared down at the little baby in my arms. "Can you believe it? That this is our son." He smiled at me, waiting for my reply.

I looked down at Georgi and kissed the top of his head, the part were the bone hadn't formed properly yet. "Yeah, I can't believe it."

Ryder checked his watch and his eyes widened. "Ok babe. I gotta go. But I'll be back before dinner." He kissed my forehead and made his way towards the front door.

"Where are you doing?" I called after him.

"Work", his voice drifted into the living room before the click of the front door could be heard. Suddenly, all that could be heard was the TV and Georgi sucking on the bottle. When he was finished, I sat him up and began to pat his back.

Well this wasn't so hard, I thought to myself. That was until I felt a vibration on my leg, right were Georgi was perched on my knee. I erupted into a fit of laughter, which made Georgi laugh with me.
Hey there guys. Another chapter. A bit boring, but I hope it didn't bore you too much. Ok, so I have started writing more on my other story, Keeping his baby, but once again, I'm not going to publish until this book is finished!

Can you guys think of a ship name for Skye and Ryder? These names are really difficult to ship. And the votes and comments have kinda gone down a bit, so could you write at least one comment. That would really help me and dedicate me to write more and finish this story.

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment share. Go tell your friends about this book. You know. Because that's a really nice thing to do. I don't know :)

Luv Megs xxx

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