Chapter nine

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My sugar daddy

Skye's PoV

Funny you're the broken one but i'm the only one who needed saving

I looked up at Ryder's straight face, the fire light dancing in his green eyes. He looked down at me so innocently, as if he hadn't said anything to me. I sat up. "Are you being serious?" I tried not to laugh, wondering if he was actually being serious.

"Well, you said that you were also a daredevil and I kinda like you", he smiled, a flush creeping up his cheeks. "And your friend Crystal said that you have commitment issues, and she wants you to end up with the right person. And not to sleep with every guy in America."

My mouth dropped, as I processed the insult he had just thrown at me. "Ok, well that's offensive." I gritted my teeth, as I hauled myself off the sofa. I tried to make my way towards the front door, but Ryder's wrong hand, wrapped around my arms. "Get off", I screeched, trying to pull my arms out of his tight grip.

"Look, I'm sorry. That came out really wrong. Look Crystal's just looking out for you. She wants you to be happy", Ryder explained, looking into my eyes. "Skye, I really like you. And I known you have commitment issues, but it's only a year. Then your free."

I rose my eyebrows. "Why me? Why would you like me? I'm what's called a whore. That's what everyone calls me."

"I bet they don't", Ryder sighed, trying to cheer me up. He stroked my cheek, with his thumb.

I rose an eyebrow. "Ryder, it's ok. I know what people say, I'm not stupid. But that's my life. You can't change me." Tears started to brim my eyes and I yanked my arms out of his hands. I turned away so he wouldn't see my damp cheeks. I felt his fingers gently turn my around. I let him.

"Skye, it's not ok. Your not ok. I don't want to be with you because I want to change you. I like you for who you are. I don't particularly like the sleeping with men for money part, but I still like you. Your beautiful, friendly and funny. Your not like other girls."

I looked up at him, with a watery and glimmering gaze. "You think I'm beautiful?" A smile started to creep across my face.

"Have you not seen yourself? Your smoked. Yeah, and so does loads of other guys who walk past you", Ryder explained. I looked for evidence of lying in his face. But all I found was those honest eyes, resting in mine.

I brought my hand up to his, which was still resting on my cheeks. "I highly doubt that."

Ryder lowered our bodies onto the sofa. "So, what do you say?" He grinned. He lowered his hand and held both of mine in his.

"I don't know", I looked at the fire, burning fiercely in the fireplace.

"Oh, come on. It's only a year", he pleaded, turning my face to see his.

I sighed. I held my hand out. "It's a deal."

New chapter. Hope you guys like it!! I now have loads more reads!! Thank you so much peoplez.

Now what are your opinions on Ryder?? What about Ryder and Skye? Do you like them being to together??

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!! Sorry for the typos.

Luv megs xxx

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