Chapter twelve

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Teach me how to love
Skye's PoV

Woah, she's got a wild heart, she's got a wild heart. I've got a wild heart.

With my heart in my throat, I staggered off the ride. Ryder was stumbling behind me, both of us in a fit of giggles. Walking hand in hand, we trudged towards the food cart. Smelling the hot dogs and sizzling onions, my belly rumbled, telling, me that I was hungry.

"What are you gonna have?" Ryder asked me, placing his hands on my hips. I looked into his sparkling eyes, which were staring right back at me.

I bit my lip, looking at all the food inside the foot stall. "Ummm... do you know what? I really fancy a hot dog, with barbecue sauce."

Ryder grinned down at me. "Good, a girl who can eat. I've been out with so many girls, who ask for salad and low calories", Ryder complained and walked up to the stall. "I would like two cokes, one hot dog with barbecue sauce for this beautiful lady. And a burger with onions for me."  He grinned, looking back at me.

We waited for our order, and found a wooden bench to sit on. The loud speakers blasted out 'wake me up' and ear piercing screams rang through the dark night air.

Ryder's sat in front of me and took a massive bite out of his burger. I giggled, as onion juice dripped down his chin. Chewing on his mouth full, he tried to lick away the grease.

I laughed and reached across the table to wipe away some of the onion juice away from the corner of his mouth with my thumb. I pulled my hand back, a blush creeping up my cheeks. We continued to eat and started talking about our time at the fairground.

"You screamed your head off when we went on the Terminator", he chuckled, and I frowned. The Terminator was the ride we had just came off of.

"I didn't not scream my head off", I protested, wiping my greasy hands with a tissue.

"Oh yes you did", he answered back, I was right next to you. You could have made me go death. I bet everyone could hear you when we were up in the air."

"Well I'm sorry, but at least I didn't nearly break your fingers, whilst gripping them so hard", that made his face fall. He reached for my hands and examined them. "I'm fine", I reassured him. He kissed all the joints in my fingers. I smiled at how his lips felt on my skin.

He brought his hands back to his napkin and gingerly wiped his mouth. "What do you want to do now baby girl?" He asked me, gazing into my eyes. They twinkled against the different coloured lights on the rides and games stalls.

"Do you wanna walk about?" I asked him, leaning my elbows onto the wooden table top.

"Ok, then", he started to get up and I copied him. He reached for my hand. I placed mine in his outstretched one and we strolled across the grounds.
"You tired, baby?" Ryder asked me, as a yawn escaped my lips. He squeezed my hand, as we walked out of the entrance. He led me towards his car and put his arm around my shoulders I leaned into him, as I felt like falling asleep in his arms.

I sighed, as he opened my car door and I fell into his car. Slamming the door shut, he jog round to his side and climbed into the driving seat. He chuckled, as he saw my eye lids falling across my eyes. I struggled to keep them open, as I was dangerously close to falling asleep.

It's ok baby. Go to sleep", he whispered to me, placing his hand on my cheek and stroke his thumb across my chin. I finally gave into the sleepiness and drifted off into a deep sleep. The last thing I remember, is Ryder's lips on my cheek.
Another chapter. I might update again today. But I don't known. As its my birthday (yayy) I don't really know what I'm doing.

So how do you guys like the story?? I hope I'm not boring you guys!!

Sorry for the typos. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Thanx. Luv Megs xxx

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