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(The turtles and Splinter are at Shredders lair to save Karai, and Leo jumps on the cage Karai is currently trapped in)
Leo jumps on the cold cage and see Karai locked in it, he pulls off the tape off of Karai's lips. "T-thanks."
Karai breathed out, which interned Leo to smile. He crawls down the cage to pick the lock to set the love of his life free, and successful does so. "Leo.." Karai starts to speak but as she does so Shredder leaps up on top of the cage to push Leo away from 'his daughter' (not) But Leo sees the man coming for him and Karai and decides to do something that might kill the both of them but it's the only option that he can come up with, he picks her up bridle stile and jumps away from the cage with all of the strength he has left, and successfully made it across the mutagen and falls to the ground, holding her tightly in his arms not breaking away, he made it to the ground without her injured. Leo but the girl down. "Karai get my brothers out of the cages, I will fight off the foot and help master Splinter!" Leo said firmly, Karai only nodded in agreement and did what she was told by the blue masked turtle. Leo ran as fast as his legs could carry him to his master. When he reached this master he fought off the foot bots that were holding his father captive. He succeeded, and beaten the foot bots that were holding his father only earring him more cuts and bruises. "Master Splinter!" "I'm alright my son, now let's got help your brothers!" And with one word of that they ran to Karai and the rest of the turtles. But when the blue turtle and the rat master reached his brothers their was no sight of Karai. "Help!!" Everyone turned to the sound of Shredder holding a blade to the girls neck, scaring her to death, as a few tears rolled down her cheek. "MIWA!!" Splinter yelled as he saw this only daughter about to be killed by his rival. "Let her go!" The blue clad turtle demanded. "Never, you see I never really cared about her, I never loved her, and she has no porpoise to me anymore!" Shedder respond an his deep voice and he was about to do the final blow to Splinters daughter. Leo saw what was about to happen to the love of his life so he decided to act fast, so he ran up to Karai as Shredder was about to do the final blow, and push Karai out of the way as Shredder pulled the final blow to Leo.
Karai pov:
I saw as shredder was about to trigger the final blow to me but, as he was I felt some one pushed me out of the way, as I open my eyes I saw the only person who truly cared about me before anyone else did and saw me for who I really am even as I tried to kill him all that time I saw...Leo..
No one pov:
Shredders weapon went threw Leo with no trouble at all, his eyes became heavy and it has, gotten harder and harder for the turtle to breathe. Master Splinter, and his sons and daughter, all screamed, "NOO!!" As Shredders gauntlet went threw Leo. All of Splinters sons busted out of the cages with all their might and looked at shredder with cold, angry eyes as they attacked Shredder with all their might with Splinter by their sides.
Karai pov:
As my true father and the rest of his sons fought Shredder, I stayed behind and put Leo's head in my lap as a puddle of blood started to form around him. As I started to cry. "P-please Leo y-you can do this to m-me!!" I pleaded to him. As his eyes started to get lifeless. "I w-will not l-leave w-without a f-fight" Leo respond softly as I could barely hear it, which only made the tears on my fall fall faster as Leo's eyes started to close. "WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!" I screamed toward the guys as they were fighting Shredder. They mush have known what I was talking about because they all ran over to where I was and saw Leo. Mikey pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it at the ground, as he did so Raph and Master Splinter pick up Leo as we all left Shredders lair.
No one pov:
They all got into the Shellrazer as Donnie, Master Splinter, Karai, and Mikey tried to patched up Leo while Raph was driving to the lair. As they reached the lair Raph and Master Splinter carried Leo to Donnies lab as they tried to help Leo. Raph came out of the lab as Donnie and Master Splinter tried to help Leo.
*2hours later*
Mikey was sleeping on the couch as well as Raph, Karai was just sitting on the couch trying to hold back her tears, knowing very well that this is all her fault that Leo is badly hurt, possibly dead. Master Splinter walked out of Donnies lab which made Karai, Mikey, and Raph jump up to see what he has to say. "He is badly injured, But.. Shredders blade went threw Leo shell and hit his back. Luckily shredder didn't hit Leo's spine or he would have been paralyzed but some of is blade got stuck in Leo's skin in his back." "And?" Karai responded. "We had to remove his shell to patch up his injuries so he won't have a shell anymore." Splinter said.
Ok so please tell me what you think and I will update soon.

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