Healing comes from love...

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(The next morning)
Everyone woke up feeling happy and excited, after everyone got dress, took a shower, brush their teeth, ect. They went to the kitchen to eat. Mikey was the first to get their, so he could make breakfast for everyone, then came Raph, Donnie, Master splinter, then Karai. "Hey, Karai can you take this to Leo for me!" Mikey said cheerfully to Karai, handing her a plate. "Yeah sure, Mikey." Karai responded as she took the plate from Mikey and started to walk to Leo's room.Karai started to opened open the door and when she did she saw Leo sitting on his bed with is shirt off with another shirt in his hand, Leo heard the door open and looked to see who it was. "Omg I'am so sorry!" Karai said turning around, blushing a deep red. "Oh it's ok to look." Leo said blushing a light pink. "Oh.." Karai said as she slowly turned around blushing more and more. " I-i just came here to give you your breakfast." Karai said walking towards Leo handing him his breakfast. "Thanks." Leo responded as he took it. "Ok well I should go." And started to leave. "Wait...um can you help me put this on?" Leo asked blushing a deep red. "Um sure." Karai walked back to Leo to help him. Leo gave Karai his shirt to help him, and he turned around. Karai couldn't help but notice his bandages were soaking in his blood. "Leo I will be right back with some medicine to fix the bandages." "Ok." And with that Karai left the room and back to the kitchen to see Donnie. "Hey Donnie do you have any medical tape or bandages?" Karai said as she reached for a bowl in the cabinets. "Yeah there in my lab on the desk on the bottom right side and are they for Leo?" "Yeah they are I need to re-tape his injuries." She responded as she poured water in a bowl. "Ok, do you need any help?" "No I'm good thanks." Karai said as she grabbed a rag and a bowl and left the kitchen and followed Donnies instructions and found them and headed back to Leo's room. "Hey Leo I got the bandages and a bowl and a rag." "Ok." Leo responded as Karai walked over to Leo, sat on the bed, and started to unravel to tape on Leo's chest. Karai couldn't help but notice Leo's abs, she always thought he had them but she never thought that she would ever see them because of his shell, just looking at his abs made Karai blush, as she unraveled the tape. When she reached the end of the tape, she grabbed the new medical tape/rap and Neosporin to help heal it and the bowl of water with the rag. "Umm, you need to turn around." Karai said a little over a whisper, which Leo cooperated with and turned around. When Karai saw his injuries she wanted to cry all over again, but she knew she had to be strong so she dumped the rag in the warm water, and slowly pushed against his injuries. "Mhh!!" Leo winced in pain as his back hitched. "Oh! Sorry!" Karai apologized sincerely. "It's ok." Leo breathed out. "I'll be more gentle." Karai said as he nodded. True to her word Karai pushed the towel to in injuries but as gentle as she could. It still hurt Leo but started to bite his lip trying to hold in the pain. As she finished cleaning the area, Karai grabbed the Neosporin and put a little on her finger. "Ok this will only hurt for a little while." Karai said, Leo didn't know what she was about to do and was about to say something to her but she already started to put the cold Neosporin on his back, which made his breathing hitched and felt a burning sensation on his back, so to stop his screams he bit his lip harder, and covered his mouth with his hand. Karai soon finished and stopped for a second so Leo's breath could calm down. "Sorry for not telling you what I was going to do but you would've denied it." "Y-yeah your r-right." Leo said as he started to breathe normally again. Karai turned Leo around so they were face to face. "Umm, I going to put the tape around your injury." "Ok." Leo replied as he looked into Karai's warm caramel brown eyes, which caused Karai to look down, blushing. She quickly regained her confidence and started to slowly rap the tape around his chest and back. She shortly finished and cut off the piece of tape and starred in Leo's ocean blue eyes as the both started to lean forward until their lips met. When their lips met, Karai put her hands around Leo's neck while Leo put his hands around Karai's waist, Karai want to kiss more and she did so by liking the bottom of Leo's lip asking for entrance, which Leo gladly gave to her. Their tongues where wrestling with each other for quite a while, but neither of them wanted to brake the kiss, Leo had to pull back to get some oxygen in his lungs but as soon as he did so, he dove back into the kiss, with as much passion as he could, "mmm~" Karai moaned as she started to kiss the turtle more passionately as well. Little did Karai know, Leo adored the soft moans that Karai gave him, and it only made Leo want Karai more and more. Which in turn Leo to rub his hands across her hips which rewarded Leo with more moans, Leo didn't care what he had to do to make Karai moan but what he really wanted to hear from her was for her to moan his name, Leo came up with a few options but the only one that wouldn't take things to far was to kiss her neck, which Leo did so, he trailed passionate kisses down to Karai's neck, trying to find her sweet spot.
Karai pov:
He started to make passionate kisses down to my neck which made me moan more and more, he gave me the type of affection that I truly craved for. I arched my neck back to give him more room to play with my neck. He planted sweet kisses up and down my neck until he found my sweet spot, at my collarbone. "Ohh~ baby~" I moaned softly to him as I grabbed his head and pushed it closer to me. He started licking, sucking, and biting my neck as hard as he could which caused me to moan his name. "Ohh Leonardo~" I think I said what he wanted because he started smirking in my neck.
No one pov:
After Leonardo got what he wanted for now, he trailed kisses back to her lips and slowly but passionately kissed her. They pulled away to breathe as their heart rate started so go slowly down. "L-Leo?" Karai whispered. "Y-yeah?" "I-i have been in love with you, ever since I laid eyes on you and I understand if you don't fe--MHh!!" Karai couldn't finish her sentence before a pair of lips smashed together with her's, but slowly pulled away a short while later. "I love you too." Leo said breathless. "Y-you do?" Karai said shocked and excited out of her mind. Leo only nodded. "W-when?" "When I saw you perfect golden eyes!" Leo said grabbing Karai's cheek rubbing it softly. Which made Karai nuzzle his hand with a warm smile on her face. "Karai! Master Splinter wants us to train!" Mikey shouted to the other side of the door. Karai just sighs and says "ok be their in a sec..." "Ok." Mikey responds "I guess you should go." Leo whispered to Karai. "Yeah.." Karai said disappointed as she gets up from his bed and starts to walk away. "Hold up their kitten!" Leo said as he pulls Karai on his lap as their face to face. "No goodbye kiss?" Leo says smirking. Which causes Karai to giggle. "Ok." And with that they kiss for a few seconds, as she brakes the kiss. "And kitten.... Seriously?" "Well your my little kitten!" Leo responds as he plants a small kiss on Karai's nose, which causes her eyes to go cross eyed. Leo giggles as well as Karai. "I gotta go captain!" Karai says as she gets off of Leo's lap. "Captain?" "Well you like Space Hero and your favorite character is captain Ryan, and well.. Your my Captain Leo!" Karai says with a smirk as she kisses Leo's forehead and exits his room. As she exits Leo room she sees the youngest turtle waiting for her in the living room, "Hey Mikey, ready to train." "Yeah Girllll!" Mikey screams, as they walk to the dojo. "Hey Karai?" "Yeah Mikey?" "Where did you get that bruise on your neck?" "Umm what bruise?" "The one right their!" Mikey says while pointing to her collarbone, Karai looks down and sees what is not actually a bruise but indeed a hicky.
Karai pov:
Leo gave me a kicky!!! A freaking hicky!! Thankfully Mikey is the only one who saw it, and he's the only one left in the family that has his innocence left. "Ohh that bruise, I just got it in a fight." I said wishing he bought my little white lie. "Oh ok!!" Mikey said cheerfully and walked into the dojo. That was way to close!!! I had to cover this hicky up, before someone sees it, especially my dad!! I had to thinks fast so I ran to my room changed my shirt that covered my neck and ran back to the dojo. Hopefully no one will notice!!!!
This was a very long chapter for me to write but I hope you like it!!!

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