What are you doing?

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Karai pov:
We walked back to the lair hand in hand, when we reached it we knew we had to stop because we never told Sensei or his brothers that we were, together or a couple. We wanted to tell them but we didn't know if Sensei would approve and if we told his brothers, Mikey might tell Sensei. I was thinking we should probably tell Donnie or April first because April would probably be happy for us and Donnie would definitely keep it a secret. "Leo your home!!" Mikey shouted as he ran and tackled his oldest brother into a hug. "Yeah, I am but can you get off of me?" Leo said out of breath, as Mikey got off of him. "Leo, lab right now!" Donnie said demanding as he walked to his lab which Leo followed.
Leos pov:
I walked into Donnies lab, and sat in the counter. "Open." Donnie said as he was holding a thermometer near my mouth. I opened my mouth as Donnie put it under my tongue. *Beep-Beep-Beep* went the thermometer as Donnie pulled it away from my mouth. "Ohh!" Donnie said wide-eyed as he looked at my temperature. "Ok, Leo you need to get some rest now!" Donnie said demanding. "Why?" I asked simply. "Because you have a fever of 120! No get some rest now!" Donnie said pointing out of his lab. "But----Uhh fine...." I said as I pouted and walked out of his lab, and to my room. As I opened my door I saw my love sitting on the edge of my bed. "Hey..." I said and sat down next to her. "Hey.... What did Donnie say?" "He said that I have a fever of 120.... And that I should get some rest." "Whoa, that's really high, you need to get to bed now!" Karai responded and laid me down on my bed. "But I feel fine!" I said desperate not to sleep. "Leo, you have a fever, and you are going to rest or I will make you." Karai said and pulled the covers on top of Leo. "Ugh, fine..." "Good!" She said and rubbed my cheek. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes to see how your doing, until then, rest!" Karai commanded. "Ok."I said and laid my head on my pillow. "Night Leo." Karai said and kissed the top of my forehead, and exited the room. "Night." I whispered, and fell asleep.
Karai's pov:
As I left Leo's room, I went to the living room, to see, Mikey and Raph watching tv. "Hey guys what's up?" "Just watching tv." Mikey said and continued to watch. "Hey, could I talk to you?" Raph said. I wasn't sure to expect or decline his offer. What did he want to talk about that was so important that we had to talk in private? I just peaked my curiosity. "Umm, I guess..." I said. "Ok follow me.." He said and walked to his room for me to follow, I was still unsure of the situation but I followed him to his room to talk about something. I entered his room. "Sit on the bed." He demanded, as I did so. "Ok, so what's this about?" I asked, as I saw him face the door, and heard a small *klick*, did he just lock the door? "I need to ask you a few questions!" He said and took a step closer to me, which caused me to back up. "Raph? What are you doing?" I said as he grabbed my wrists and sat me back on the bed again. What is he going to do to me???
Hey! This chapter is kinda short but, the next one will be longer! I promise! Hope you like it!!

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