Idk what to name this!!so its going to be called: Something!!!

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Karai's pov:
I woken feeling totally, and utterly exhausted and sore from last night.
"Morning, sexy~" Leo said to me in a deep voice as he snuggled close to me and kissed my back. "Morning, Captain~ I had a lot of fun last night with you~" I said, and used all my strength to face him. "So did I~ are you ok?" He asked. "Well I'm exhausted and everything hurts." I replied. "Aw, baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He apologized. "No it's ok, I loved it! I never knew you were that strong~" I said I gave him a butterfly kiss. "Well, I loved it two!" He said and pressed his nose against mine. "We should probably take a shower." "Yeah, come on." He said and got up from the bed, still naked from last night. "Come on let's take a shower!" He said again. "Carry me!" I wined, as he picked me up bridal style and set me on the chair in his room, and put a bathrobe on me as he did the same for himself. He picked me up again and walked down the hall to the bathroom, shut the door and locked it, and set me on the counter and turned on the water. "Karai?" He asked. "Yes?" I smiled. "Clothes, off!" He said and took off my robe as I did the same for him. He picked me up again, and set me in the shower, with him coming in with me as well. The warm water fell onto me, as a shiver ran down my spine. I felt Leo move some of my hair from my neck and started to plant soft kisses from the top of my neck to the bottom of it. "Mmm~" I hummed as Leo's body pressed against the back of mine, as his hands traced up my frame and to my breasts, and squeeze on them lightly, as he stared to suck on my neck hard. My breathing hitched, as I moaned his name softly, "ohh!! Leo~" he stared to squeeze harder, as I felt him smirking into my neck. "Someone a little frisky this morning, aren't they Captain~?" "Why wouldn't I be, last night was the best night of my life, I had sex with my girlfriend, who's the most sexiest girl in the world~" he said sweetly into my neck. "Aww, Leo that's so sweet!" I said and turned to face him. "Well it's true, every word of it! I love you so much, you make me feel like the happiest turtle in the world!" He said and looked deeply into my eyes, as I started to tear up, "Leo! I love you so much!" I said and sealed it with a passionate kiss, as I cried happily.
"Hey Leo?" I asked "mmh?" He mumbled. "Do we have training today?" I groaned. "I  think so?" "This is going to be a hard day for me.." Leo giggled. "How's your back?" I asked. "Kinda sore, but it's getting better." "Good!" I said and butterfly-kissed him. I turned around to face the water falling on me. "What is this!??!" Leo almost screamed. "Oww!! My ear!? Also what are you yelling about?" I asked and faced him. "I'm talking about this tattoo above your butt!!!" Leo said and pouted. "Oh.....yeah about that....." I rambled rubbing the back of my neck. "Why do you have a tattoo of another guy's name across your butt!!!!??!" Leo said with fury. "Sshh!! It ok Leo... It was a tattoo of my.... Um.... E-Ex-boyfriend...." "That doesn't make it any better!!!" "It ok I know I forgot about it!" "Well when did you get it?" "Uhh.... Well he dared me to do it, and I've always wanted to get a tattoo... So I figured, why not?" I explained while Leo growled. "Ok if it any conciliation, I was planning to get it removed this weekend!" "Good! Because your mine and mine only!" Leo replied, grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, while resting his face on my neck, "And I'm NOT sharing!!!" Which made be giggle at his adorableness.
(After their shower and the got dresses)
Leo's pov:
Me and my love walked into the kitchen, hand-in-hand as her head rested on my shoulder. "AWW!!!" I heard Mikey fangirl, as he cupped his hands together in aw. "You two are so cute together!!" Mikey said and me and Karai giggled. "Thanks Mikey!" Karai responded, as we sat down to eat. "Where's Splinter?" I asked. "He's meditating in the dojo, I'm gunna give him, his breakfast, be right back!" Mikey said and walked out of the kitchen, as April and Casey walked in. "Hey guys, hey Karai!" April said cheerfully and hugged Karai. 'Karai and April have been getting along lately, they have become really good friends' I thought. "Casey Jones is in the house!" Casey referred to himself in third person. "What happens last night?" Raph asked pointing at me and Karai. "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered and started to blush. "I heard a lot of noise coming from Leo's room last night so what happened?" Raph asked again. "You heard that two?" Donnie asked. "Yeah I heard it loud and clear!" Raph said. "N-nothing happened..." Karai stuttered and blushed. "Then what was all that moaning last night?" Raph said eying Karai, which left both of us in silence. "Did you guys have sex?" Casey chimed in looking at me and Karai as his eyebrows wiggled, which left me and Karai blushing a deep red and looking at the ground. "You guys did it?" April said smiling. "How was it?" Casey asked staring at us. "Umm.." Me and Karai stuttered and blushed. "Come on we're all know each other here! How was it?" April asked impatiently, as Mikey walked back in. "Who wants breakfast?" Mikey asked as he pulled out pancakes. "Me!" Karai said. "Here you go dudett!" Mikey said and put a pancake on Karai's plate. "Umm.... C-can I have 3 more?" Karai ask sheepishly. As I was shocked, I can barely eat 2 of Mikey's pancakes, how can she be so hungry that she wants 4? Mikey makes his pancakes practically bigger then plate! "Umm are you feeling ok?" I asked. "Yefp!" She said with a pancake stuffed in her mouth. "Ok I'm going to go watch some Crong-nard the barbarian!!!" Mikey said in an animater, type way. "Call me when training starts!" Mikey said and walked out of the kitchen. "Alright! So I'm going to borrow Karai for a sec. Hope you don't mind, Leo!" April said, as I was about to speak, April already took or should I say dragged my love out of the kitchen and into Karai's room, to talk about... Who know what!? And that left me, my brothers, and Casey to talk, hopefully not about what happened last night. "Dude I can't believe you banged Karai!? You two aren't even dating!!?" Casey said in aw. "W-Well we are dating.." I said embarrassed, of what he said, as my cheeks started to burn a bright pink. "Where was I when this happened!?" Casey asked. "You were at your house being a loner." Raph quickly stated. "I was not!?" Casey yelled, starting to get angry. "Yeah you were!?" Raph said, starting to get angry. "Children! Children!! Let's get to the more important matter here!!!" Donnie said breaking them up. "He's right!? So tell us, oh fearless-leader, did you guys actually, have sex?" Raph asked, cutting to the chase. Which left my cheeks a blood red color, and feeling, total embarrassment, to answer the question. "Y-yes." I said with a voice crack. "Well...?" Donnie asked. "Well what?" I asked. "Well, how was it?" Casey asked, finishing Donnies question. "Well.... Umm... Ok, I can't lie.... It felt amazing!!! It was like the best feeling in the entire world!!!" I blurted out, blushing deeper and deeper with every word. "Seriously?! Sex can't be that good?" Casey said. "How would you know? You've never had sex before? And not to mention, no girlfriend before!" Raph said mockingly. "Shut up!!!" Casey yelled. "Fight me!!" Raph yelled as Casey tackled him, while Donnie face-palmed, which gave me an opportunity to leave this situation, which I gladly took!
(Ok rewind a sec)
Karai's pov:
April dragged me away from my love, and I could tell Leo didn't want to be left alone with his brothers and Casey, I wouldn't either, but he will find a way out..... I hope, but I can't because I have to deal with April.... Someone HELP MEEE!!!! April dragged me into my room and sat me down on my bed as she did the same. "Ok now, Tell me everything!!!!" April said waiting to hear what happened, between me and Leo. "" I mumbled, blushing. "Don't be shy I want to know!!" April persisted. "Well what about exactly?" I asked. "Well was it good, bad? How long was it? Does Splinter know about you two? Are you guys a couple? Do you guys have nicknames for one another?" April rambled "ok well it was perfect! And April I am not telling you that! And plus I don't even know. We are a couple. Splinter knows we're together. And Leo calls me kitten or s-sexy, and I call Leo captain." I mumbled the last part and blushed. "Aww that's adorable!!" April gushed. "April! Can I have my girlfriend back now?" Leo asked as he opened the door. "No I still need her to answer my questions, so get out!!" April said. "Ok but I'm taking my Love with me!" Leo remarked, picked me up, over his shoulders and walked us out of my room. "Hey!!" April yelled.
Ok so please tell me what you think! I mostly wanted to get a chapter out soon so here it is! Sorry for the title, I couldn't think of anything so... Yeah...! Uhh I'm exhausted! But that's for another day! I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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