Secrets are reveled

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Karai's pov:
Raph pined me to the bed, and looked me in the eye, "Stay still!" He said as I struggled to get out of his grip! "Relax, I'm not going to do anything to you!" He said as I stopped struggling, as he let go of my wrists and got off of me. "No I just need to ask you some questions!?" "What kind of question?" I said sat up on the bed. "I have noticed something going on between you and fearless! What's going on with you guys?" He asked as I blushed. "Um..uh!?" I rambled. "Well?" He asked. "Nothing is going on between us, I'm just helping him get better!" I said, I kinda lied about that, I'm not just helping him get better, I'm falling in love with him. "Nice try, theirs another reason! You two look at each other like when Mikey looks at pizza or when Donnie and April look at each other!" Raph said desperate to get the answers out of me! I took a deep breath and then spoke, "Your right.... Ever science Leo woke up, we kinda became a couple..." "Why didn't you tell any of us!!?" Raph practically yelled at me. "We just wanted to keep it a secret, and we didn't think you guys would approve of the relationship, so we were scared to tell you, I was planning on telling, April or Donnie first because, they know what it's like to fall in love with someone!" "Hold up!! You two love each other!?!" "Y-yes..." "Wow, you gotta tell splinter, and the rest of the guys, because if you keep waiting on telling them, it's only gunna make things worse!" "Yeah I know but can you not tell the rest of the guys or splinter yet, I wanna tell them with Leo next to me!" I asked. "Yeah, sure." He said and unlocked the door and left. I sighed in relief, that the conversation was over, and walked out of his room.
~~2 hours later~~
Leo's pov:
I woke up to someone snuggled up next to my chest, I looked down to see the most gorgeous girl in the whole world, I leaned down and kissed her forehead, as she awoke, "Hey, beautiful!" I said and gave her a warm smile. "Hey, Captain!" She said with a yawn, and moved us so she was faced to face with me. "Hey, c-can I tell you something?" She said and stroked my cheek, as I nuzzled her hand. "Of course, sweetie!" I replied with a smile. "Ok well, Raph, kinda found out about.... Us..." She said sheepishly, as my eyes widened, as my head shot up. "What!?" "Yeah!" "Well what did he say?!" "He said that he wouldn't tell anybody but we have to tell the rest of the guys, and s-splinter or he probably will, and if he does it probably won't end well!" She said a bit scared by tell splinter. "Oh..ok so when do you want to tell the guys? And do you want to tell splinter first or lastly?" I asked "umm, could we probably tell in a couple minutes and I want to tell S-Splinter last..." She said scared. "Ok, and don't worry, everything will be fine!" I said and kissed her forehead. "Thanks." She said above a whisper. "Come on let's tell them!" "Ok." She said and got up from the bed, as she helped me up. "Which of my brother do you want to tell first?" "Umm, Donnie first." "Ok let's go." I said and walked out of my room and into Donnie's lab. "Hey, D!" I said and entered his lab, with Karai behind me. "Hey, Leo! Hey, Karai! How your fever?" Donnie asked. "Umm." I felt my head. "I don't think I have one anymore!" "Oh! That's good! So what's up?" "Well me and Karai would like to tell you something!" I said and grabbed Karai's hand and walked towards Donnie. "Oh, what is it?" Donnie asked and looked down to are hands meeting. "Me and Leo.... Are together!" Karai said and looked into my eyes and gave me a smile. "Really! No way guys that's amazing! Congrats!" Donnie said excitedly. "Thanks!" I said. "Have you tiled master Splinter yet?" "No not yet but after we tell Mikey then we will!" I said. "Ok good luck guys and congrats!" Donnie said. "Thanks D." I said as me and Karai left his lab, hand in hand. "Ok so where's Mikey?" Karai asked. "Probably in the kitchen!" I said as we walked their and sure enough, he was in their playing cards with ice-cream-kitty. "No fair! You cheated!!" Mikey screamed and pouted. "Meow!" Ice-cream-kitty said? "Hey, Mikey!" I said cheerfully. "Hey, Leo what-up!" He asked. "Well I would like to tell you that..." I grabbed Karai's hand and continued, "me and Karai are together!" I said and looked at her. "Aww!! No way this is amazing! You two are so cute together!! Are you gunna have children!! Oh and when you do can I name them!! I'm great at naming things! Oh! And at the wedding can I be the best man! Or the bridesmaids!! Oh what type of wedding would you guys have, oh it's gotta be sweet and romantic! Oh! Maybe even----" "Mikey!!" Me and Karai shouted at him! "Mikey we just started dating! We're not that far yet!" Karai said as we giggled. "Sorry I'm just so happy for you guys! This is amazing!" Mikey said. "Thanks Mikey!" I said. "We gotta go bye!" Karai said and lead me out of the kitchen, and to the front of the dojo. "Ok, you ready?" I asked. "Yeah! But I'm just nervous, what if he doesn't expect are relationship?" Karai asked concern. "It'll be ok!" I said and hugged her. "Everything will be ok!" I said and reassured her but kissing her forehead. "Thanks! Let's go!" She said and knocked on the dojo door. "Come in." Splinter said, as we walked into the dojo, and sat next to each in front of Splinter. "Umm, master Splinter, me and Karai want to tell you something...." I said sheepishly. "Oh, and what is the news?" He said and raised an eyebrow. "Me and Leo would like to tell you that..." Karai started, but couldn't finish. "Is it ok for us to be.... Together?" I finished her sentence. I could tell Karai was nervous about the answer as much as I was so I grabbed her hand and hold it tightly. "Leonardo? Do you love Miwa?" Splinter asked. "Yes with all my heart yes!" I pleaded. "Miwa? Do you love Leonardo?" Splinter asked. "Yes!" She pleaded, as splinter stroked his chin. "Then, Leonardo, you have my blessing to be together!" Splinter said happily. "Thank you!" Me and Karai said. "You may go now!" He said as I dragged Karai out of the dojo. As soon as we left the dojo, I pulled Karai into a deep, passionate kiss, as she kissed back passionately. I pulled back from the kiss and pressed her forehead against mine. "I love you so much!" I said to her and held her close. "I love you too" Karai said and kissed me, with all of her strength as I did the same!
No ones pov:
Little did Leo and Karai know, Splinter was listening to their conversation, as they left the dojo. "I love you so much!" Leo said which made his face soften. "I love you too!" Karai said and kissed Leo. Which made their master happy, to know that they found love with each other! It reminded him how much, he loved Teng-Shen. He knew that Leo loved his daughter as much as he loved Teng-Shen. He knew Leo was the perfect match for Karai and nothing was ever gunna change that!
No this is not the end of the book theirs more, cute Leorai stuff coming! Hope you like it!!

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