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Karai pov:
Once my real father said that Leo, didn't have a shell anymore, I didn't know what to think.
No one pov:
"Is he ok though." Karai said unsure if she wants to know the answer. "Karai, he will be fine but it will take him a couple of days for him to recuperate." Donnie said walking out of his lad holding a clipboard. "Can we see him?" Mikey pleaded. "We should probably wait till he's awake." Master Splinter respond. "Oh.." Raph said. "You should all get some rest my children, I will look after Leonardo."Splinter said. And his sons agreed and went to bed except for Karai who just stood their in the middle of the room holding back her tears. "Miwa, are you ok my child?"Karai didn't say anything, just stared at the floor. "My child it is not your fault for Leonardo's injuries?" "T-than why do I f-feel like t-this is all m-my fault?"Karai responded. Splinter walked up to his daughter and put a hand on her shoulder. "This is not your fault my daughter, Leonardo didn't have to block you from the blow from the Shredder but he did it anyway because he cares about you... Now please get some rest my child." "Ok, father."Karai responded, walking to her room, and shutting the door only to slide down it and start to cry.
(A week later, they also move Leo to his room)(oh and I should also add that Leo is wearing a shirt and pants.)
Ever since Leo's injuries Karai hasn't talked much to anyone, well no one has really. Karai would always go to Leo's room for an hour to see how he's doing but he never wakes up. "My sons and daughter, you should all get some fresh air tonight, you haven't gone out in a week." Splinter said. They all knew there's no use in arguing with splinter so they went to the surface, while splinter was watching after Leo for the evening. As the evening progressed Leo started to fidget more and more, which got Splinter thinking he was going to wake up soon, and true to his word (or thought I guess?) Leo woke up. "My son are you ok?" "Y-yeah......what h-happened?" "My son, you got injured by the shredder, and his gauntlet went threw your shell and into your back." "Oh..."Leo said looking at his bandages around his chest. "How long was I out?" "About a week." "What!!"Leo screamed as he tried to get up only to give him pains in his chest. "Ahh!" "My son you should probably rest." "But...but.. Fine." "Good I will tell your brothers that you've awoken." Splinter said as he pulled covers over Leo. "Ok." Leo responded as master Splinter left his room. As a couple of minutes went by Splinters sons and daughter came back. "Welcome home my children, I am pleased to inform you that Leonardo has awoken and is resting." As Splinter said that all of his children ran to Leonardo's room to see him resting on the bed. Mikey was the first to reach his bed, and did so by shaking him awake. "Oww!" Leonardo screamed in pain as he was holding on to his chest. "Sorry bro! I can believe your awake!" Mikey replied as he started to hug his older brother as the others can in they all did the same thing until they were all in one huge group hug, until Master Splinter said that Leonardo needs his rest, so they all left except Karai. "Umm hey, Leo" "hey Karai." "Are you hungry?" "Yeah." Leo said. "Ok I will be back with some." And with that Karai left the room to get Leo something to eat. But all She could find was soup, so she made the blue masked turtle soup. She walked back to Leonardo's room with is soup and opened to door to see the turtle sitting up waiting for her arrival. "Umm, I got you some soup." She said as she sat at the edge of his bed. "Thanks." Leonardo said waiting for Karai to give him the bowl. "Umm, Leo this might sound weird but is it ok for me too feed you the soup?" Karai said while a light shade of pink covered her cheeks. "Umm I can feed myself, but sure." Leo responded while blushing. "Ok thanks." And with that Karai started to feed the blue clad turtle until he finished it. "Um, Karai why did you want to feed me the soup?" Leo said "oh.. Um.. Well I feel really bad for getting you injured, and it's all my fault that you got hurt, so if it's ok I would like to help you get better." Karai responded looking down as she started to blushes. "Karai?" Leo started as he picked Karai's chin up to look at him. "First of all none of this is your fault, I didn't have to push you away from Shredders attack but I did because I really care about you a lot, you mean the world to me.."Leo said sincerely and a few tears fell from Karai's face which Leo wiped away. "And it's ok if you want to help me get better." After Leo said that, Karai slowly pulled Leo into a hug, trying not to hurt him."thank you!" Karai said sincerely as she started to cry. Leo pulled away from the hug to face Karai. "No one as beautiful as you should ever cry." Leo said wiping away her tears, as he rubbed her cheeks. Karai started to smile, as she looked down to Leo's lips and stared to leave forward slowly closing her eyes. Leonardo leaned forward as well and stared to close his eyes as he kissed Karai lightly.
Karai pov:
I didn't know what I was doing, when he leaned in and kissed me with his soft warm lips, it was like my life was coming into place, like he should be all mine and I should be all his. We started kissing more and more which made me smile in the kiss. I guess he wanted to kiss more because he licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance which i gladly gave to him, he intern shoved his tongue in my mouth, which caused me to make a sound that I have never done before. "Mmm~" I moaned as he started to wrestling with my tongue. His tongue was wider than mine but it tasted divine, kissing him was like he was my prince and I was his princess, I was just glad that he was the one had stolen my heart and I knew he was never going to break it. After a few minutes we both had to break away for oxygen, curse my need to breathe! "Woah t-that was amazing!" I said out of breath from the kiss. "Y-Yeah it was!" Leo responded also out of breath. "Um, you should probably get some rest." "Yeah probably..." "Ok good night." I said as I was about to leave but somethings grabbed my hand and pulled back to the bed, and pulled me into another amazing kiss, that was short. "Good night." Leo said as he laid down to go to bed. "Night..." I said as I walked out of his room blushing a deep red. This was the best day ever!!!
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