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(Warning there is a couple of cuss words in this chapter, just to let you know. Enjoy!)

Karai's pov:
I ran as fast as my legs could go, blood rushing threw my veins, my lungs burning! I ran towards the east first, I didn't mean to hurt my loves feelings. "LEO!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I stopped to take a breath. "LEONARDO!!!" I screamed again. "PLEASE LEONARDO, WHERE ARE YOU!!!" I yelled, starting to run again, as the cold crisp air hit my face and threw my dark black hair. "LEO!!" I counted to scream. Where the hell was that turtle? Did he get more hurt? Is he injured more? Was he in danger? Did the Shredder get him? Why wasn't he calling back? Just thinking about all the possible thinks that could happen to him made warm tear fall from my face. I knew I had to have faith in him that he wasn't injured, so I took a short breath and shook all of the troubles in my mind and continued to run. "Leo! Leo! Please answer me!!"I yelled as I got to the edge of a building and spotted a green figure in the distance, with his feet swinging off the edge of the another building. "Leo..." I whispered, as I ran breathlessly toward him. "LEO!" I screamed as he turned around to face me, with his crystal ocean blue eyes. "Karai....?" He whispered as I rapped my hands around his neck, and fell to the ground, as tears fell from my eyes.
"K-Karai? W-what are you doing here?" Leo said as he hugged me back. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again, I was worried sick!!" I whispered-yelled to him. "Sorry I just..... I just had to calm down." "I am so sorry, I yelled at you, I was such a pain in the ass to you! I should have trusted you more, I-i......"I rambled on, until he smashed his soft lips against mine, and pulled away gently. "It's ok, I know you didn't mean to yell at me, I probably would have done the same thing if I thought you were hiding something too." Leo said gently. "Oh, Leo." I said as I smashed are lips together quickly. "" I said in between kisses. " two...kitten." Leo replied as we started to kiss more passionately. "We......should....tell....your brothers.....that" I said between kisses. " tell.....them?" Leo replied breathless as he started to smirk between kisses. "" I replied as are kisses started to get deeper and more passionate, as things started to get hotter and elevate. He pushed me to the ground, and laid on top of me, grabbing both of wrists and held them above my head as he shoved his tongue into my mouth. "Mm~"I moaned in my mouth, as we started to wrestle with our tongues, for dominance. Leo won, and trailed kisses down my neck, to try and find my sweet spot. He found my spot near my collarbone, and started to suck harder. "Oh~Leo~" I moaned, as he stared to nibble at my collarbone. "Oh~" I moaned louder. He removed both of my wrists and put his hands on my waist, and rubbed his hands up and down my hourglass frame, which caused me to feel a warm knot in my stomach as I started to feel wet below my waist. "Leonardo~ baby~" I moaned, as he continued to rub his hands up my frame. "I want you baby~ I want you now~" Leo said suductivly in my neck, which caused shivers down my spine. "Me two~" I replied, as I brought his lips up to mine and shared a long passionate kiss with my love. *Ring-Ring-Ring* went my t-phone, as Leo pulled away. "I'll tell them later!" I said as I brought are lips together. *Ring-Ring-Ring* went my t-phone again, which caused Leo to pull apart. "It's probably nothing." I said, as he kissed me passionately. *Ring-Ring-Ring* "Uhh, just answer it." Leo said as he pulled away from the kiss and got off of me, which caused me to pout. "Ok...." I pouted as I picked up the t-phone and answered it. "Hello.....yeah I found him.....he's fine....ok.....we'll be there soon." I said as I hung up the phone. "Who was it?" Leo asked. "It was Raph, he wanted to know if I found you and he said Donnie wanted you at the lair right way!" "Why?" "I don't know?" I replied. "We should probably go now...." I said. "Yeah....we should but...this will happen soon... I promise......!" Leo said suductivly as he planted a soft kiss on my lips, as we walked back to the lair, hand in hand.
Ok, short chapter for me in my opinion, but I will write more soon, please comment! I hope you like it!

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