Chapter 7: Discoveries

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Earlier- North

I stared at the bus sitting in front of us with disgust. "Whose idea was this?" I spluttered. The worn-out looking vehicle sat on the tarmac with the full complement of peeling paint, ripped up seats, and squeaky doors. It looked like an accident waiting to happen.

"I thought it would be better if we all picked up Miss Sorenson together, so that no one felt left out of the initial getting to know her period," Mr. B said calmly, defusing some of my anger. "Because this is a small airport and we made last minute arrangements, this was the best they could do for a vehicle to sit ten."

Well now I felt like I overreacted. Still, that bus didn't look safe, although all I could see wrong with it was cosmetic damage. Sang's house was only around ten minutes away from the airport; I'd just have to suck it up, or my brothers would leave me at the airport and go pick up Sang themselves. With a shudder, I stepped onto the bus. Well, the step didn't collapse from underneath me, that's always a good sign.

We all got situated in our seats: Dr. Green was driving, Mr. B and Victor sat right behind him, Kota and Nathan were next to them, Luke and Gabe were behind Mr. B, and Silas and I sat across from Luke. Dr. Green started up the bus with no problems and pulled out of the airport. Mr. B turned around in his seat and looked at us with a very serious expression.

"Gentlemen, I want to convey how important what I am about to say is. We are taking a potentially abused girl away from her household, and she may be uncomfortable. No one is to do anything that could upset Miss Sorenson, or pressure her into talking about her past. She will tell us when she is ready. Finally, we will be spending a lot of time with Miss Sorenson, and if anyone makes a move on her that she doesn't want, they will face severe disciplinary action from both the Academy and from me personally. Understood?" Mr. B made eye contact with each of us as he delivered his speech. We all nodded solemnly, even Luke and Gabe. They realized this was no time for practical jokes or fooling around.

The bus pulled up to Sang's house a few minutes later, thankfully still in one piece. We all piled out and approached her door. Mentally, I coached myself to maintain control and not yell at her or scare her. Channel my inner Yoda. Oh god, I'd been hanging out with Kota too much! I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on our mission.

Mr. B rang the doorbell, and we waited. Without warning, the door was yanked open by the girl from the meet. She seemed overwhelmed by how many of us there is, but she resolutely murmured, "Hello." I stared at her, certain that my eyes were broken. She was completely red —it looked like she had a sunburn, but I highly doubted that she got one between yesterday when we last saw her and today. Her mother must have done something to her! My brothers around me must have reached the same conclusion, because they all started yelling. Everyone wanted answers, but in the confusion no one could be heard clearly.

"Baby, why are you all red?" I boomed, and winced. There went my promise to remain calm. Quiet descended as we waited for her response. I looked at Sang, who stared at us with wide eyes. I was starting to think that we'd be in a staring match forever when she abruptly burst into tears. Horror rose in me that I made her cry. Around me, my brothers shifted around and looked for something to comfort her with and make her stop crying.

Dr. Green quickly took control of the situation and pushed forward to talk to Sang. "Deep breaths Sang, you can relax. You don't have to answer any questions you don't want to." Sang stopped crying so hard and looked up at Dr. Green through red-rimmed eyes. He continued speaking to her in a soothing tone. "My name is Dr. Green, but you can call me Sean. We're here to take you to the synchro camp in Charleston. If you're ready, we can leave now, or we can wait until you feel better. It's up to you."

Sang thought for a moment before replying. "I want to go now. I'm sorry for crying, I don't know what came over me."

Mr. B chose this moment to chime in. "It's quite all right Miss Sorenson. My name is Mr. Blackbourne. We spoke over the phone." Sang smiled faintly at this, and I wondered what caused that reaction. "Standing around me is Dakota, who goes by Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Lucian, who goes by Luke, and North. I'm sure that some of them would be happy to get your bags for you."

"Nice to meet you all," Sang said. "I only have three bags, which are next to the door." I walked inside to grab them, but Silas and Nathan beat me to it and took all three bags. I glared at them, and Silas handed over a box for me to hold. As we were walking out, Luke stepped in and wandered through the house. I guessed he had to go to the bathroom.

I had just finished putting my box in the bus when Luke emerged from the house with a piece of paper clenched tightly in his hand. He stalked over to Mr. B, who read the paper with growing anger. "We're leaving now," Mr. B announced, his frame still taught with barely contained emotion. The paper must have said something pretty bad to rattle him so much.

As we entered the bus a second time, I realized that we probably should have decided who would sit with Sang in advance. Now, it was a silent glare off between my brothers and me to determine who it was going to be. Victor's eyes seemed to flare up, and we all ceded the spot to him. He sat down in a seat on the third row and patted the spot next to him. "Sit next to me, Sang." She looked unsure of herself, but sat down next to him anyway.

Luke and Gabe sat behind them so that Luke was directly behind Sang. The rest of us sat where we were before, only this time Mr. B was alone. Dr. Green started the bus and headed back toward the airport.

"Are we driving to Charleston?" Sang asked.

"No, that would take way too long. We're flying, so we're going to the airport right now," Victor responded, leaning into her a bit. Luke started to do something with her hair, but I coulnd't see what from this angle. Gabe slapped at his hand to make him stop, but Luke simply glared at him, daring him to make a big scene, and continued on. Gabe huffed in frustration but left him alone.

Sang looked slightly worried at the prospect of flying. "I've never flown before. Don't you need an ID? I don't have one, and I don't have enough money to pay for a flight," she said in a rush. Suddenly, she started almost hyperventilating. "I left my food money at home! I don't have any way to pay you guys!" She looked like she is going to start crying again, but Victor whispered something in her ear and she calmed down. I wished it was me sitting next to her, comforting her, making her feel better.

We pulled into the airport without any more incidents. Victor whispered a few more things to her, and Luke continued messing with her hair while Gabe watched, helpless. Kota and Nathan were talking about some zombie game while taking covert glances at Sang, and Silas and I spoke in Greek about the day so far. Mr. B spent the whole time typing furiously on his phone.

As Dr. Green was parking the bus, my phone buzzed. Opening up the group text message, I grimaced.

Mr. Blackbourne: After we get home and Miss Sorenson goes to sleep, everyone gets an hour for yelling around Miss Sorenson. Immediately following that will be a family meeting. I have important news that I need to share.

I was hoping that he would overlook the disaster of a morning we've had. I should have known better—this was Mr. B we were talking about. He noticed and remembered everything. I deserved an hour for making Sang Baby cry, though. My eyes widened. Where did that come from? That was the second time I'd called Sang "Baby" today. I'd have to talk with Mr. B after the family meeting and see what he said. That would not be a fun conversation to have at all.

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