Chapter 39: Pleasant Dreams

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I should have come up.

I shouldn't have done this stupid competition in the first place.

I'm the co-captain; it's up to me to help keep the team in line. I let this happen, and now I'll suffer the consequences. The boys didn't do anything wrong- now I just have to get Mr. Blackbourne to realize that.

"It was my fault, Mr. Blackbourne, don't be angry at the others," I croak out. Did I swallow some pool water? My throat feels kind of sore.

Mr. Blackbourne turns his scathing glare towards me. "Oh you'll have your turn Miss Sorenson, don't worry. What I'm more anxious to hear is why I pulled you out of the pool before one of the boys did," he says. The boys shuffle uncomfortably.

"Well, you see," Kota hedges, "When Sang stopped moving, we um, we thought she was playing around."

I gasp. They thought I would fake passing out? Why would I do that? Mr. Blackbourne's face mirrors my astonishment. "You thought what?" he roars.

"Yeah, we thought she was too good to pass out!" Luke says. I watch as Mr. Blackbourne turns redder and redder.

"Well it's a good thing I walked in when I did, otherwise Miss Sorenson might have died! How long were you going to leave her there?" he asks. Not surprisingly, he doesn't get a response.

"And you, Miss Sorenson," he says as he turns the full force of his stare on me, "Why didn't you come up?"

Now it's my turn to shrug. "I honestly didn't know that I had that little oxygen. After all, it's common to see black spots when I'm swimming my solo, so I just assumed I could push past it. I misjudged though, and I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you," I say. My response is met with silence.

It's a few moments before Mr. Blackbourne speaks. "What do you mean that you commonly see black spots while swimming?" he asks. His roar has become something much softer and much more severe.

I'm confused. Hard routines involve long hybrids, so it's only natural that I would see black spots frequently. It's part of synchro. "I don't know what you want," I whisper. Mr. Blackbourne sighs and rubs his hand through his wet hair.

"Pookie, if you ever see black spots again, I want you to come up immediately. Even if it's at a competition. Even if you could breathe in the next second anyway. Come up immediately, do you understand?" Sean asks. I nod. If I can keep this whole fiasco from happening again, it's worth coming up if I need to.

Mr. Blackbourne looks around the pool. "Where are those damn lifeguards?" he asks. I notice that they're nowhere to be seen. Kota walks around, stepping into the lifeguard room for a moment before walking out with two ashen lifeguards in tow.

"We're really very sorry sir," one of them says. Mr. Blackbourne glares at them.

"Your names?" he asks.

"Amber," says the one on the right. Her red shirt says 'Nathan' on it- what a coincidence.

"Candice," says the one on the left. A hummingbird flies by her, nearly bumping into her head.

Mr. Blackbourne nods and stares at the two lifeguards. They squirm under his glare. The silence stretches on and on. "Why weren't you paying attention to the pool like you're supposed to?" he asks finally.

"I was writing fan fiction," Candice mumbles, shamefaced.

"I was checking facebook," Amber says. Mr. Blackbourne sneers.

"I'll be contacting your manager to have you both fired. One of my swimmers almost drowned and you were writing fan fiction," he accuses. The two lifeguards apologize profusely once more and leave.

Once they are gone, Mr. Blackbourne focuses on the rest of us. "As for the rest of you," he says, "Hours. Seven am tomorrow."

The boys pale, and after Kota explains what hours are I pale, too. Needless to say, nobody can concentrate on practice anymore so we leave early yet again. Hopefully things will settle down soon.

We wake up bright and early the next day to fulfil our punishement. Apparently, the first time we did hours was a 'light' session.

This time is brutal.

I thought I could keep up with the boys in everything, but this is when the advantages of being a guy come through. After two grueling hours, I'm forced to face the fact that I'm not as physically strong as the boys. I can make up for a lot of the difference using technique, but that only goes so far. At least I'm more flexible than them.

After we finish, Mr. Blackbourne looks at me pointedly. "Do you understand now, Miss Sorenson? While you are an excellent swimmer, you can't be the best at everything."

I collapse onto my back and groan. "Next time, just tell me that. No need for a demonstration," I huff. His mouth curves up into a millimeter smile.

"Get some rest, Miss Sorenson. I think we'll start endurance at practice tonight," he says. I close my eyes and sigh. I end up nodding off in the grass, only to be woken by strong arms picking me up.

I look up into Silas's warm brown eyes. "Let's get you to a bed, Aggele Mou," he says.

Silas's arms are more comfortable than I thought they would be. If I wasn't so tired, I would probably protest being carried around, but it's so relaxing that I snuggle deeper into his arms.

He manages to carry me up a flight of stairs without becoming winded, even after the massive workout we just did. He places me gently down on my bed. "Sleep well, Aggele Mou," he says. I'm already starting to nod off.

"Wake me up if I sleep for too long," I mumble. I close my eyes, and within seconds I'm fast asleep.

I'm entering an Italian restaurant. The hostess recognizes me and leads me to a large table where the rest of the Synchro Sharks sit, including Sean and Mr. Blackbourne. My stomach growls- I'm always ravenous after meets.

After drinks are served, Mr. Blackbourne stands up to give a toast. "To an amazing Nationals swim and the best team in the country!" he says. We all cheer and clink our glasses together. Food comes out moments later and we dig in.

"Here Sang, try some of my dessert pizza," North says. I take a bite and moan at the rich chocolate flavor.

"Have some of my salad, Sang," Luke implores. I grab some but grimace at the bitter broccoli.

Mr. Blackbourne puts down his fork and looks me right in the eye. "We don't want you to leave," he says. This must have been a cue, because the rest of the boys also stop eating.

"Stay with us," they all say together. I grin.

"Of course I'll stay!" I exclaim. The other patrons burst out clapping.

"What a beautiful family," one old lady remarks.

I wake up suddenly. Was that- it was! I had a dream that wasn't a nightmare! Although this one certainly was bizarre.

It does raise a major question, though- what will I do after nationals? I don't think I'd be happy swimming for Avidite anymore. Hopefully Mr. Blackbourne has a plan.

He always does.   

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