Chapter 40: Friday is Date Day

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The next week passed quickly. We did indeed start endurance at practice, which left us feeling exhausted but satisfied. No one mentioned the passing out incident; the only sign that it ever happened was a new rule where all unders were to be done in pairs with one person swimming on the surface and watching over the person not breathing.

One notable thing happened, however. On Wednesday, Luke asked me out on a date. Well, I think it's a date, but as I've never been on one it's hard to be sure. His way of asking sure did seem romantic, though. He gave me a heart shaped keychain and asked me to go the movies with him on Friday. I said yes.

Now it's Friday and we're leaving in two hours and I have no idea what I should wear. If it isn't a date, it'd be pretty awkward if I got all dolled up. But if it is, would it look bad if I wore yoga pants and a t-shirt? I don't have very much besides exercise clothes. I don't think I even own a skirt. Why didn't I buy anything at the mall?

I remember an award ceremony I attended last year. It was hosted by the national synchro organization and I had to get a special dress for it. I dig through my closet to find the dress- hopefully it still fits. Once I locate it I pull it out, laying it on the bed to look over. It's just as pretty as I remember- it's a baby blue color with tiny white hearts all over it. The dress falls a few inches above my knees and has a sweetheart neckline. There's tulle underneath the skirt to make it puff up a bit.

I try it on and smile. After mainly wearing tank tops and shorts, it feels good to dress up. Now what to do for my hair- since I cut it, I don't have a lot of options but I pin it to the side with some bobby pins.

For the life of me I can't find my formal shoes, so I settle on my faded white converse. At least it'll dress down the look some. I glance at my phone and am surprised to find that messing around with my outfit took almost all of my two hours. I rush down to the living room to wait for Luke.

I don't see any of the boys, which is a relief as it would be quite awkward to explain that I'm going on a date with Luke. If this is even a date, that is. Maybe I shouldn't date anyone on the team- I don't want to mess up our team dynamic. We're finally starting to click as a team and I would feel terrible if I messed that all up just because I went on a date with one of them.

I mean, just because we went on a date doesn't mean we're dating. I can still go on dates with the others, right? Probably. I'm really not very good at these sorts of things.

I look at my phone again for the time, which makes me think of Katie. I haven't texted her since she gave us our t-shirts, but she did say I could text her if I ever had any problems. I steel my nerves and send her a text.

Sang: Hi Katie! I was wondering if I could ask you a question. If I go on a date with a boy, can I still go on dates with other boys? I'm not quite clear on what the protocol is. Thanks!

I stare at my phone, waiting for a response, but none appear. I shouldn't be surprised; it is a work day after all.

Luke comes charging down the stairs seven minutes early. I'm instantly glad that I wore the dress- Luke is the most dressed up I've ever seen him in a baby blue dress shirt and slacks. His shirt is unbuttoned part way so that I can see the plain white t-shirt underneath it.

"Hey Sang," he says, "I wasn't expecting you to be down already. You look... very good." I giggle at his wide eyes and slightly stunned expression.

"We match," I point out. Luke smiles and holds his arm out for me to take.

"Ready to go Cupcake?" he asks. I nod, placing my hand on his proffered arm. As we head out to a car, I notice that there's only one left in the garage and driveway.

"Where did the others go?" I ask. Luke's expression darkens.

"It better not be where I think they went," he mutters. The moment passes when he opens up my door for me. I blush at the gesture.

The car ride is pleasant, filled with jokes and laughter. I've already made some inside jokes with the boys and we gossip about who would look better with glittery knox.

"Definitely North," Luke says. I get an evil thought.

"You know, I think Mr. Blackbourne would," I say, "What would happen if I just walked up behind him and wiped wet knox in his hair?"

Luke goes silent. "You would probably be the only person who wouldn't die if you tried," he says.

I'm feeling brave. I'm on my first date, I have a cute dress- why shouldn't I? "Tell you what- if we get first at nationals, I'll sneak up on Mr. Blackbourne and wipe a whole cup of knox into his hair," I propose. Luke chokes and I glance at him, more than a little concerned.

"I'll bet you a kiss you won't do it," he says. Now I'm the one making choking noises.

"Deal," I say finally.

"Now all I have to do is make sure we get first," I hear Luke mumble. That's easier said than done, but it's possible. 


As we walk into the movie theater, I'm surprised to see six familiar faces. I look around and notice two more lurking in the shadows. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask in confusion.

Silas leans against a wall in an attempt to look casual. "Watching Tarzan," he says. I fight to hide my grimace- that's what we're seeing, too. How awkward.

"Well, that's... nice," I say.

Luke motions for me to go to the snack counter. "I'm sorry they followed us. We can leave if you want to," he offers. I shake my head.

"I'm not going to let them ruin our date. We can still have fun even with them watching the same movie," I say. Luke's face lights up at my words.

"Our date," he repeats. Whoops, didn't mean to say that one out loud! There's nothing to do about it now, so I try not to waste energy worrying about it.

We get a large popcorn to split and two waters before heading into the theater. We sit down in the middle of the room- it's not very crowded for a Friday afternoon. I watch out of the corner of my eye as the rest of the boys sneak in a few minutes later and sit along the back row. I was worried they would sit right next to us, so I'm relieved that they seem to be respecting our privacy.

A gummy bear falls on my head. "Sorry Sang, I was aiming for Luke," Gabriel stage whispers. I ignore him and continue watching the previews. When a second gummy bear lands on me, I whip around and give Gabriel my best death glare. No more gummy bears come our way.

I'm full after a few handfuls of popcorn, but Luke has no trouble finishing off the rest of the bucket. About halfway through the movie, he puts his arm around my shoulders. I can physically feel the weight of the stares his action causes. Feeling a bit reckless and more than a bit angry at the interfering boys, I lean my head against Luke's shoulder. He stiffens for a moment before relaxing.

After the movie finishes, I go to the bathroom and check my phone. Katie had responded to my text while I was in the movie.

Katie: As long as you didn't agree to date anyone exclusively, it's okay to date around a bit. Have fun! Text me if you need any outfit advice.

A wave of happiness washes over me. As much as I like Luke, I like the others too and wasn't looking forward to alienating them accidentally.

We manage to leave without seeing the others. This time, Luke spends the ride coaching me on how to sneak up on Mr. Blackbourne.

"You should breathe really loudly and sneeze when you're right behind him," he suggests. I laugh.

"You just want me to fail so that you can get your kiss!" I accuse. Luke gives a guilty smile.

"Can you really blame me?" he asks. I suppose not.

Luke and I plan for a coffee date in a few days. If it goes anything like this one, I know that it'll be interesting at least. Hopefully the other boys won't be there, though.

Maybe Luke will get his kiss sooner than he thinks.  

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