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"Rauline!" I hear his voice yell out suddenly, being slightly muffled.

My eyes snap open, I feel the wetness on my cheeks and the coldness on my skin. It must be cold outside.

The light turns on suddenly and I make eye contact with my husband. He is dressed in his suit from this morning still. I must have been dreaming again. He looks wide eyed and startled. His breathing is heavy.

"What's wrong?" He asks, voice rough.

I part my lips, throat dry. My breathing is shaky and so is my body. But at the same time I can't get up. I'm paralyzed. He stands up straight, sticking his hands into his pockets as he licks his lips in thought. "Were you dreaming about something?" He asks, quirking up an eyebrow.

I close my eyes again and sit up before opening them again. "Yeah." I croak.

"What was it about?" He furrows his eyebrows, frowning. I purse my lips, glaring at him before standing up and walking to the bathroom. "Rauline." He snaps.

"Shut up, Louis. Just shut up!" I yell, turning to him, tears springing to my eyes. "I just wish I could go on vacation for a while and not be with you but I can't so just leave me alone right now, okay?" I yell. "Please! Your giving me a headache!"

"I didn't do anything." He snaps.

I clench my fists and walk into the bathroom before slamming the door shut. I walk towards the toilet and sit down on the closed lid with a shaky sigh.

"You and mommy are always fighting." I hear him whisper. I close my eyes tightly, clenching my fists on my lap even tighter.

"We weren't fighting, buddy." Louis says. "Mummy had a nightmare. You know?"

"Oh." The little boy draws out cutely. I smile slightly at the innocent sound. "Was a scary monster in her closet? Was that it? Or...or under her bed? I have those dreams but then i...I check and they aren't there anymore."

Louis chuckles, making me frown again. He's fake. He doesn't care about either of us. "Yes. But nothing was there. We checked and everything's okay. Go back to sleep okay? I love you."

My breath hitches. I've haven't heard him say that in a long time.

"I love you too, daddy." Thomas yawns and then I hear his footsteps pad against the floor gently and into his room.

I flinch when I hear knocking on the door. "Rauline?" Louis says.

I open my eyes, stand up, and rip open the door. "What?" I snap. I can imagine that my cheeks and eyes are red. I probably look terrible to him.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asks ,crossing his arms over his chest.

"Stop pretneding you care. Stop asking. It's none of your business." I stomp the ground at every sentence uttered.

"Fine. But if your going to scream again, don't count on me not leaving the house and going to a fucking hotel room."

"I wouldn't care if you went now to a hotel room you fucking dickhead." I seethe, leaning closely to his face.

His jaw locks tightly as his fists clench.

"I can't stand knowing that you're sleeping next to me most of the night, anyway. Your presence makes me gag! I would rather rip all my fucking hair out than have another conversation with you."

"You make me sick." Louis mumbles, shaking his head.

"Right back at you." I seethe as he turns around, taking off his jacket.

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