"I'm going to take care of you."

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This is kind of an alternative to the last one...so instead of you being the heartbroken, Justin is. This really got me in my feelings he like really loved Selena and just like imagine being with him at that time. My emotions cannot handle this omg ok bye.


"I can't believe her," I exploded. "I've always hated her. She was no good for you. This is my fault. I let you get with a girl I knew was a witch with terrible intensions," I yelled. I noticed my screaming wasn't helping anything and quieted down. "I'm sorry, sweetie," I cooed, sitting next to my newly dumped best friend. "You may not understand now, but this is for the greater good," I convinced.

"How could me losing the love of my life be 'for the greater good', (Y/N)," he barked through tears. I winced. I'm gonna kill this girl when I see her. I looked at him absently, considering telling him the truth.

"She was really rude," I confessed.

"(Y/N)," he started, stopping me from telling him the same old monthly, 'she's rude, crude, and over all no good,' spiel.

"No, listen," I interrupted. "She is terrible, I know you loved her, but she didn't deserve you. Hell, she broke up with you, over text, in the middle of your stressful tour. No one who loved you even a little would do that. She was selfish and only thought about herself in the relationship, and took advantage of you. She took your love for a weakness and used you. You couldn't see that through your thick cloud of love but, she was bad news from the start. And I'm sorry I had to tell you this but, I tried to sugar coat it this whole time and look where we are now," I ranted, gesturing to his broken state.

He kept his head low and his eyes away from mine. I saw his shoulders start moving up and down, indicating he was crying again. I sighed and put my arm around his shoulder. "Maybe you should go," he mumbled, not looking up once.

"Excuse me," I said, standing back up.

"Maybe you should go," he repeated, angrily. I was livid.

"No, you idiot, I'm not gonna go," I yelled. "I'm going to take care of you."


I sighed again. "You need me right now. I don't care how much you hate me, or how much you want me to leave, I'm staying with you until you're better," I promised. Justin looked up at me sadly.

"What did I do to deserve you," he hiccuped.

"You took care of me when I needed you," I chirped, hugging him. "I'm just returning the favor."

"Thank you," he croaked, cuddling into my chest.

"I'm gonna kill that trick next time I see her, you know that right?" I questioned, settling my hands into his scalp.

He chuckled softly, then sniffled. "I know," he muttered. "I love you, (Y/N)," he mumbled sleepily.

"I love you, too, Justin," I responded, running my fingers through his bleached locks. "More than you could ever understand."

' interracial imagines ' - justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now