"You shouldn't have said that."

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Yo, this was so fun to write, I don't know why. I just love watching white girls get slayed by black girls!😭


"What is your problem?" I blew up. Hailey had been shading me for months. About the same amount of time that me and Justin had been in a relationship. Funny thing is, I never did anything to her. She was just crazy. And, according to Justin, they had ended whatever they had months before we got together. I never did anything to her but she continued to shade me. Tweeting lyrics, captioning her selfies with quotes obviously about me. She was obsessed. So, after an hour and a half of her dirty looks, I confronted her. And I got the answer I had been looking for since the first subtweet.

"You! My problem is you," she yelled back. At this point everyone's attention was on us. I rolled my eyes.

"I know your problem is me, but what exactly is your problem with me," I pressed. She got quiet. I didn't hate Hailey, I wanted to be friends with her, after all, she was Justin's friend.

"Well," she started, thinking hard. "You're like, super clingy, like, you're always texting Justin when he's out with us," she said, gesturing to the peanut gallery.

"No she doesn't," Justin piped quietly, not sure what to do now that two of the most important girls in his life were arguing.

"He calls me," I added, not losing the intimidating stare we were sharing.

"You're always complaining, and whining like a little kid," she said, smugly.

"Not really," Za chimed. "That sounds more like you," he concluded, earning a silent laugh from Maejor.

"Hailey, face it, you have no reason to hate (Y/N). She's sweet, smart, funny, and makes Justin happy," Kendall said, trying to talk Hailey off her ledge. But Hailey was livid. She looked around the room angrily.

"I feel so attacked right now! I can't believe you guys turned on me for the nappy headed wannabe!" she screeched. I gasped. Za and Maejor fake passed out. Kendall covered her mouth. Kahlil shook his head.

"You shouldn't have said that," Justin broke his silence, taking several steps back.

"I'm not scared of her, what is she gonna do, hit me?" she scoffed. I squinted and stepped closer to her. I looked intensely into her eyes and spoke slow.

"Don't ever, ever, come at me sideways like that. You are surely swimming in the wrong pond, duckie, because I'm not the one to play with. You must have me twisted in a million different ways. I am absolutely anything but the one to come for." Her eyes widened and I continued.

"I've only been modeling for 2 years and I've already long surpassed where you are in your career. And unlike you, I didn't have to rely on my daddy's money or my friends publicity to get me where I am," I noted, stepping closer to her. Though she had a good 8 inches on me, she coward and backed up.

"And I don't know whose hair you're calling nappy but you have some nerve, seeing as you spend hours in the mirror with a curling iron trying to get your lifeless hair to look remotely like my mane," I continued, gesturing to my hair.

"So, I don't know why you feel the need to get on my head, but it needs to stop. And I promise you, if I see one more subtweet about me, one more, I'm going to end the little bit of career you have," I finished. "Understand?" I asked, in an unbelievably sweet voice. Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked around the room.

"No one's gonna help me," she asked angrily, small tears running mascara down her cheeks.

"I told you you shouldn't have said that," Justin defended.

"You never come for a black woman's hair. Rookie mistake," Kahlil said, shaking his head again.

"Sorry, but you kinda had it coming Hails, people have a breaking point," Kendall mumbled. Hailey shot dagger looks to everyone in the room. She snatched her bag off the couch and stomped to the door.

"And don't any of you even think about calling me ever again. None of you are my friends anymore," she seethed, walking out and slamming the door. I scoffed and plopped down on the couch. Everyone had their eyes on me.

"What?" I asked, taking a sip of my Diet Coke.

"Duckie?! That's hilarious!" Maejor pipped, doubling over in laughter. I chuckled.

"I can't believe you called out her career," Kendall gushed, sitting next to me, ready to hear everything I didn't say.

"You was feeling yourself,huh? 'My mane.' Flex on 'em shawty," Kahlil laughed, rustling my hair. I shrugged. I was about to respond when Justin pulled me into his chest.

"I told y'all she stays flaming me. I get that everyday," he joked. I laughed and cuddled closer to him.

"Alright, why don't we get back to the game," I suggested referring to the 2K15 game the guys had started before our argument.

"I forgot about that thing," Za said, swiftly grabbing the remote off the coffee table.

"Count me out this round," Justin said, pulling a blanket over us. I rolled onto his chest and got comfy. "She got you pretty pissed, huh," he mumbled quietly, playing with my fingers. I nodded. "You're shaking, so I can tell." He had the tendency to remember small things like that. I sighed.

"I'm completely drained. You of all people know arguments make me sleepy," I mumbled. He laughed and I listened to it rattle in his chest.

"Of course, baby girl," he said, stroking my mane.

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