"Are you okay?"

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i pretty much only write gushy, dumb, fluffy things and i will probably never stop.



"Let's do this, boys. We've been conditioning and practicing for this for the past month. This is it. We have a couple minuets before we go out, but I wanted to make sure you guys had a positive message on your mind before you stepped on the court," Coach lectured, pacing in front of us. "I would wish you luck, but you don't need it," he finished. We all shared a laugh and went back to our previous conversations.

"You think (Y/N)'s out there?" I asked my friend, Za. I untied my shorts and tightened them.

"Probably, why? You cuffed?" he questioned. I shrugged.

"She acts like she wants me to but curves me every single time I try to get her," I groaned. Za laughed.

"Finally found a girl that doesn't drop to her knees at your command, huh, Bieber," Za joked, standing from the bench. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I laughed, following Za and the rest of the team out of the locker room. We reached the end of the hall and stopped, as tradition. We waited quietly for a minuet, preparing ourselves for the waiting crowd.

Soon, the introductions were done and we were entering the gym. The energy was insane. Everyone stood, and clapped. Whooped, and cheered. The team jogged in and went through our warm up drill. All the boys looked hungrily at the cheerleaders, while my eyes searched the crowd for a girl much better than any cheerleader. I finally spotted her, in the first row of the bleachers. She looked stunning as always in a cropped hoodie, leggings and some Air Force 1's. So simple yet she made it look so good.

"Bieber!" My coach called, waving me towards the bench where the team what waiting. I took one last glance at (Y/N) and jogged over to my team. After a brief pep talk and the National Anthem, the game had started.
The first quarter went good, and we ended 10-7. In the time out coach made a quick sub. "Bieber you're in for Za," he instructed. I nodded walking to my team mate.

"Good job, dude," I complimented. He panted, and gulped down some water.

"Thank, bro, now go out there and impress your girl," he said, patting my back. I smiled, thinking about (Y/N) watching me.

"She's not mine yet," I smirked, jogging on to the court. I slapped hands with a couple of tired teammates. We worked the other team, and managed to put up 5 points in a couple minuets. When you're as close as my team, synchronizing isn't hard at all.

All the time, I stole glances at (Y/N). She stayed lying back, her arms propped up on the row of seats behind her. She looked so cute, laughing and talking with her friends. I watched Khalil, one of the greatest players on the team, make a poster worthy layup. The team took their ball and started back to their hoop. I took another look at (Y/N) and surprisingly she was staring back. She looked me up and down, then flashed me a big smile, showing off her deep dimple. Then she winked. I was shocked. She barely ever talked to me without a cute attitude and now she was winking at me?

I was so lost in my thoughts it took me a second to realize I was lying on the ground. I groaned, trying to catch the breath the fall knocked out of me. Suddenly the refs were at my side, along with my coach and most of the team. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto the wooden floor and let out another odd sound.

"Is he okay?" An angelic voice asked. I thought it was angel calling me to my heavenly home. It wasn't, but something close. I opened my eyes to see (Y/N) pushing her way through the crowd. She knelt next to me and repeated her question. "Are you okay?"

My eyelids hung low as I nodded. "Now that you're here, I'm cool," I said carefully. Coach rolled his eyes and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. She giggled and stood. She stuck her hand out to me, and I grabbed it, letting her help me up. I took a step, immediately flinched, grabbing my knee. I looked at the forming bruise and frowned. (Y/N) must have spotted it too, as she gasped.

"You need ice, come here," she spoke softly. I hopped over to her and she lifted my arm over her shoulder, becoming my mini crutch. Za hurried over and took some of my weight off of her. She mumbled and small thank you and helped me to the athletic trainer on the other side of the gym. As we walked, the crowd cheered for me. They set me down and Za jogged back to my stressed coach. The athletic trainer inspected my knee carefully, and poked at the bruise. I winced and she quickly apologized.

"All you need is some ice and rest. You should be fine by next game, as long as you stay off your knee as much as possible," she explained and I nodded along. "I'm gonna run and get ice, be right back," she said, running out of the gym.

(Y/N) looked back at me. She furrowed her brows and pushed some curls out of her face. She locked her dark eyes with my light ones. "Are you sure you're alright," she pressed. "You fell pretty hard," she said in a soft, concerned tone. I chuckled lowly.

"I'm fine, you heard Anne, its just a little bruise. But, thank you for caring," I spoke, admiring her. This was the longest time I had been around her before saying something dumb. She nodded looking at the bruise.

"It's really big. And purple," she inspected. "But pretty." I squinted looking at my knee, trying to see what she saw.


She just nodded. "It looks like watercolor art," she examined. "Or a blueberry stains."

I laughed. I wanted to know what else she was thinking right then. She stopped staring at my patella and met my eyes. We kept the oddly comfortable eye contact until Anne came back with the bag of ice. She broke the stare first, reaching for the ice, which Anne handed over gingerly. She placed it softly onto my knee and I winced. She pulled her arm back quickly and I shook my head.

"It's not you, the ice is just really cold," I stuttered. She gave me a small smile and placed the bag back on my leg.

"Ice is like that sometimes," she joked, snickering at herself. Her laugh was contagious."Do you wanna go back to the bench? I can get-"

"Nah, I'm cool here with you," I interrupted. She looked at me curiously then smiled.

"If you say so," she said, pulling a chair next to me.
We spent the entire game together, and I talked to her rather than trying to spit game. I found out her beauty truly radiated from the inside out. Suddenly, the final buzzer rang through the gym, causing the gym to roar. I cheered along realizing we had whopped the other team. (Y/N) cheesed at me and hugged me, carefully avoiding my knee. "Great job," she muttered. I laughed.

"I was out practically the entire game," I said. She smiled at me and shook her head.

"But you put some points up there, that's all that matters," she encouraged. I smiled and looked past her to see my teams walking towards me.

"My team's coming over, sorry if they push you away," I warned.

"No, No, I was just leaving, I don't wanna keep my ride waiting," she quipped. "Just text me later," she said, holding her unlocked phone out for me. I typed my number into the text bar and sent myself a text. "Don't forget to hit me up," she said giving me the wink that almost ruined my career. I winked back and she gave a final wave. The boys gathered around me before I could give one back. They bombarded me with questions, most of them about my leg. I told them I was fine, again and again.

After everyone had filtered out of the gym and Za had helped me waddle out to the car, I told him everything about (Y/N).

 "You really like her, huh," he said, keeping his eyes locked on the road. I nodded.

"Now I just gotta make her mine," I sighed. Za chuckled.

"Good luck, kid," Za laughed.

"Nah," I shook my head, "you know what Coach says."

"You don't need luck when you're as good as this."

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