"What are you doing?"

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heyyyyyyyyy girl. i'm back to the sentence starters but definitely tell me if you want me to do an iMessage from (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

This one made me kinda sad because most of my family smokes and I've seen the ugly truth behind the legal drug....don't forget to comment, it really makes me happy. I hope you enjoy.💘



I crept slowly into the house, careful to not wake my lovely boyfriend. I was supposed to be at work but, my boss called me to tell me my potshot was cancelled. So, I swooped by Krispy Kreme, picked up a box donuts, and headed to Justin's.

I set my keys and bag down on the counter and tip toed up the stairs to his bedroom. I opened the door to find an empty bed. It was strange for Jay to be out of bed this early when he had the day off. The boy loved his sleep. My eyes scanned the room and noticed the open patio door. I smirked and walked quietly to the door.

I opened it to reveal my beautiful, shirtless boyfriend. I was so focused of the definition of his back muscles I almost didn't notice the string of smoke coming from in front of him. My small smile dropped.

"What are you doing?" I stuttered, shocked at the sight. Justin turned quickly, coughing a little. And I saw it. In his hand. That life ruining little stick of death.

"Baby," he started. I shook my head as he put out the cigarette out.

"Don't" I said. "You promised me. You said you were done. You lied," I croaked, disappointed. He looked down as I spoke. He met my sad gaze and stepped towards me. I felt frozen. He wrapped his arms around me and I stayed frozen.

"You weren't supposed to find out," he murmured into my hair. That broke me out of my trance. I pushed him back, and watched him stumble.

"How long," I said lowly. He stared blankly at me. I repeated myself slowly. "How long."

"About three days after out talk," he said, avoiding my eyes again.

"Two months, Justin! Are you kidding me? After everything I told you?"

"It's not like you're my mom, you're not my boss." I was seething now. I took a deep breath before speaking slowly, like my shrink told me to do.

"I am not trying to be your mother. I am trying to save you. I watched my grandfather lay in a bed and die, Justin. My grandmother can barely breath because of smoking. My mother has a chronic cough. I've seen first hand what these things can do to people. People I love. You know this, all of this, and you still continue to throw your health away," I ranted. I only felt the tears running down my face after I stopped speaking.

"It's not easy, quitting. It's hard as hell, I'm trying," he said, still staring at the floor.

I grabbed his hands from his lap and held them in my much smaller ones. "Then ask me for help. That's why I'm here. I care, I want you to do better. I don't want you to end up like my family, I love you. I want you to be healthy and happy," I whispered, trying to catch his gaze. I watched tears fall to his lap.

"Everything has been so stressful lately," he opened up. "I didn't want to bother you, you have your own problems," he said, hiccuping softly. I rubbed his head softly and sighed.

"I'm never too busy for you, baby. You mean more to me than any photoshoot." Justin suddenly jumped and hugged me uncomfortably. I felt his tears flood onto my shoulder. I ran my hand across the delicate wings on his neck.

"Wanna go lay down and talk about all this," I asked carefully. He nodded into my neck and stood, walking to his bed. He laid and extended his arm, giving me the perfect place to lay next to him. I grabbed the box of donuts and climbed in bed with him. He laughed at my snack and snaked his arm around my waist.

" Now, lets get to the bottom of these issues."

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