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this is the stupid stuff that happens when you're sleep deprived, lonely, hungry, and only good at writing gushy, fluffy imagines. enjoy!!



Most people aren't morning people. And honestly, I wasn't either, until (Y/N) that is. She could get me out of bed as quickly as she could get me to agree to spend the day in bed with her. She was so small, and cuddly. Looking at her small arm draped over the cross on my chest made me want to stay in bed forever.

She was an early riser, so it was rare I ever woke up before her, but when I did I took the time to admire her. Her eyes shut softly, lashes so long they grazed her cheeks. Her lips sat open slightly and moved as her breath pushed in and out of them. Her curls spread out everywhere, tickling any part of my body they touched. I could feel her heart beating against my ribs. Lying next to her was heaven.

(Y/N), on the other hand, did not like admiring me in the morning. She liked waking me in the morning. She was my personal, adorable, obnoxious alarm clock with no snooze button. Almost every morning she woke me up, a different way each time.

Sometimes she shook me.

Sometimes she traced my tattoos.

Sometimes she called my name.

Sometimes she tugged at my fingers until I pulled them away.

Today, she did none of the above. Today was new.

Today, at approximately 7 o'clock in the morning, I woke up to the most beautiful girl on the planet straddling me. Just calmly sitting on my chest. I tried ignoring her, for the pure fact that I wanted more sleep but, what can I say, Princess gets what she wants. Especially when she asks for it while kissing me.

"Bay-" kiss, "bee," kiss, "wake," kiss, "up." I opened my eyes to see her. She looked at me and smiled, excited to see me up. She peppered quick, small kisses all over my face making me cringe hard, and smile widely. I will never get used to someone getting so excited to see me every morning. "Good morning, sleepy head," she whispered, running her small fingers through my hair. I simply smiled.

"Do you need something, Babe?" I asked, ready to go back to sleep. She nodded.

"Your company," she spoke sarcastically seductively. "That, and cereal." I laughed at her appetite, and she laughed with me.

"Lets go then," I murmured, sitting up. She clasped her hands together and hopped off my lap.

"When you're fully up we can make waffles," she said excitedly, walking quickly over to the door. I cheekily looked at her behind as she sauntered out of the room. "Come on, Babe," she called from the stairs. "Coming," I called back, throwing the blanket off of myself and racing towards her. She was always the highlight of my morning.

' interracial imagines ' - justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now