6. 'Mr. Runaway'.

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6. 'Mr. Runaway'.

Not edited.

 "You haven't called in a long time." Colby whined into the phone. It was Saturday night and I was sitting in the phone room calling Colby. Earlier today I dragged a chair from the cafeteria, not wanting to stand while I make a oh-so needed phone call. Lately I've been busy with the whole 'trying to get home' thing that I haven't been able to call Colby; thus breaking my promise I made to him when I first arrived.

"I know and I'm sorry, I'm just busy." I sighed and began playing with phone cord. "Did mom and dad tell you anything about me coming home any time soon?"

 "No." Colby paused, probably thinking. "There still looking for a good enough lawyer, then they have to get the files from the police." I groaned and pulled my cardigan closer to my body.

"How hard is it to get a lawyer to get someone out of a juvenile delinquent center?"

"Well..."Colby trailed off. "They're also trying to find a lawyer that'll get you out and that'll make sure Tally won't go there."

"Why?" I asked. "She deserver's to."

"That's not what mom and dad think." He interjected. I huffed an air of annoyance and leaned back in the chair. "Are you okay over there?" I smiled at his concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"I'm bored!" He whined. I laughed until I heard the sound of the door opening. I whipped around and there stood Alyssa, Wade, and Ryder. They were chatting until they saw me in the chair.

Alyssa giggled, "Oh, there's the chair." I smiled and turned back around.

"And the pizza fell on her head. It was so funny!" Colby laughed as he finished a story that I didn't hear.

"That's hilarious." I lied. "Hey Colby, I call you later, yeah?"

"Are you lying?"

"No." I looked over at the clock to see my time was almost up anyways. "I promise I'll call you as soon as I can." He mumbled a okay and I hung up.

"Why'd you take the chair?" Wade asked when I stood up.

"Who wants to stand there for an hour or so?" I scooted the chair towards them. "Why were you guys looking for it anyways?"

"Lunch duty." Ryder grabbed the chair.

"For doing what?"

"Let's just say Mr. Welkin isn't a fan of a chemical reaction exploding all over his classroom." Alyssa chuckled and linked her arm with Wade's.

"When did you do that?"

"Today." Ryder shrugged. "We were bored and snuck into his room."

"He walked in right when Alyssa put the last chemical in." Wade laughed.

"Yeah," Alyssa added. "We tried finding you but we couldn't find you."

"Oh sorry, I've been with Chubby, Stick, and Barbie all day." They all cocked there heads to the side. "Officer Mitch, Officer Rowan and Ms. Miller." I explained.

"Why do you hang out with them?" Alyssa stopped giggling to herself and stared at me seriously.

I shrugged, "There actually pretty cool." I looked over at Ryder who was giving me a confused look.

"There cool?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded.

"Yeah." I sighed and looked around. Since my melt down in Barbie's classroom, Ryder hasn't talked to me as much as he did before which made it sort of hard to get to know him.

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