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I woke up to the sounds of faint sobs. I opened my eyes, and was blinded by the bright lights. Wait. I know these lights,smell, even the thickness of the air. Hospital. 

"Turn the goddamn lights off." I shouted. I looked at Vic, who was sitting next to me. He had tears in his eyes.

"Your awake!" He yelled.

"And blind!" I added, he ran up and turned off the lights.

"Nurse! She's awake!" Vic shouted.

"What happened?" I asked Vic.

"You didn't come home for about an hour, so I tracked your phone. You were passed out on a bed with your mom. I beat up Josh and called the police. You've been a coma for two weeks." Vic said.

"Wow. Is my mom okay?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"She uh passed away." Vic told me, being careful on how i'd react. I shrugged. She never cared about me. Why would I care about her?

"She did care about you." Vic said,

"Shit. I said that out loud, huh?" I ask, he nods.

"She did care about you." Vic repeated. I shook my head.

"You don't know what she did to me. Put me through. But after it all I have to thank her. It made me stronger." I explained. Vic was about to say something, but Jaime,Tony, and Mike ran in,

"MY NIECE! I MISSED YOU!" Mike shouted, running over to me.

"I missed you too." I said laughing.

"Did you miss your favorite uncle?" Jaime asked. Mike glared at him.

"She already said she misses me..." Mike said. I just laughed.

"No. I'm here favorite uncle." Jaime said.

"Who's your favorite uncle?" Mike asked. I laughed. Kellin Quinn walked in with ice cream.

"Kellin." I answered, the guys pouted.

"Yes?" Kellin asked, handing me the tub of ice cream.

"Mike asked who was my favorite uncle was when you walked in with ice cream." I explained. Kellin smiled.

"HA!" Kellin said, putting his arms around me. I laughed. The nurse walked in.

"When can I go home?" I asked her.

"Actually, I was just going to tell you that your free."  She said, handing me clothes. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I took off my gown and put on the clothes she handed me, putting my red and black hair up. Now lets get back on track.


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Oh and if you guys can check out my new book 'Built These Walls' <3

Please comment and tell meh how im doin!

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