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I got out of the car with Tony at my side. After what just happened, I felt embarrassed.  I got one my bags and Tony got the other two. He sadly smiled at me. I did the same, as we walked into the . Vic saw me look a little sad.

"Whats wrong?" Vic asked. I looked at Tony who was doing the 'cut it out' sign with his hand. I laughed a little.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready..." I said. Vic just nodded.

"So.. I will show you your room." Vic said, as Tony and I placed down my bags. I followed Vic upstairs and into my new room. Its nice. It has light blue walls, a LOT of band posters, and a black rug. The bed is a queen size, and there is a blue and black desk next to it. I smiled at the small,yet spacious room.

"You like it? I know its not-""I love it." I interrupted. I hugged Vic.

"Thank you, Vic." I said hugging him.

"No, thank you, Rue." Vic says. I pulled back,confused.

"What did I do?" I ask; He smiled. 

"Come into my life."

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