23 | Crushes and Girl-Talk | 23

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"PLEASE WONT YOU PUSH ME FOR THE LAST TIIME!" I heard Kellin sing, waking me up. "Go away, Kells." I groaned, throwing my pillow at him.

 "Fine." He says, getting out. I pick up meh phone and saw the texts from last night. I groaned. I need to talk to some girls. I KNOW LIKE NO GIRLS GOD-DAMMNIT...ALI! I dial her number and she picks up.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey, Ali, its Rue." I say. 

"Oh hey. You get rid of Billie?" Ali asks. 

"Yup. But can you come over I need boy talk..." 

"Sure. Text me your address." Ali says. We say bye and I text her the address. I hear a knock on the door. "WHATS THE MAGIC WORD?" I ask. "Uhh I dunno..." Tony's voice says. I laugh.

"Come in." I say. The door opens and I see Tony. I put my phone in meh hoodie pocket as he comes and sits on the bed. "I was um wondering if you'd still wanna go on a date?" He asked shyly.

 I don't know. I really don't. I mean what about Ricky- I THINK I like him. We talked for hours last night and we have a lot in common, and I really don't think Ryan even likes me. He and I are just..Close.

 "Tony, I don't even know. I mean you fucked my best friend." I say. He looks down in guilt. "I'm sorry I-" He was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

 I got up and ran to the door to see Ali. "Hey Ali. Uhh can we go out, Yeah, I know i'm in sweat pants and a OMAM sweat shirt but I don't care." I say with a following laugh. 

"VIC I AM GOING OUT WITH A FRIEND, BE BACK LATER!" I shouted, rushing out the door.

"Why were you so nervous?" Ali asks. "Tony asked me out again...But he and Billie so I said I don't know. And I also have feelings for um someone else..?" I say, not positive. "SOMEONE ELSE? THAT MEANS YOU LIKE-"I covered her mouth with my hand. She laughed as I released her mouth. "Yeah um do you know MIW?" I ask. She nods like a loon. 

"Uhm I kinda like Ricky-" I was interrupted from her squealing. I laughed. "I dunno if he likes me though..." I say. She smiles.

"Rue, I grew up with seven brothers and a dad. I know how boys are. Lemme see your phone." Ali demanded. I nodded, handing her my phone.

 "HE LIKES YOU. ITS CONFIRMED." She says. A confused look finds its way to my face. "What do you men?" I ask. She shows me the texts.

"Mr. Obvious calls you beautiful!" She squeals. 

"I'M CALLING HIM!" Ali says.

 Before I could say anything she as talking on the phone. I paced back and forth, nervous as I hear her talk.

"So meh friend Rue like youuuuu!" Ali says. I look at her, about to kill her.

 "Mhmm." She says, before hanging up. "YOU GOT A DATE WITH RICKYYY!" She squeals. My jaw drops. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.

"OH MY GERARD, YOUR INSANE." I say. She laughs.

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