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I ran out of the room, and raced into my room. I got under the blankets and pulled out my phone.

Me : I need someone to talk too, and everyone else is asleep...

Dylan : Whats up?

Me : Billie with Tony...

Dylan : Oh shit....

Me : You wanna meet up? I will tell Vic.

Dylan : Sure. Want me to pick you up?

Me : Yeah. Thx <3

Dylan : <3

I put down my phone, and got out of bed. I went to the living room and found a sharpie, and paper.

I'm going out. I need to talk with Dylan. I will tell you whats wrong later.


I put the paper on the front door. I slipped on my shoes as I saw car lights in the driveway. I went out the door and sat myself in the passenger seat of Dylan's car. We backed out of the driveway. 

"You okay?" Dylan asks, breaking the silence.

"No." I say. My body there and then just broke down as tears started flowing out of my eyes. Dylan hugs me from the side. I hear tires screeching and my body goes numb, before I black out.



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