18 | Surprise | 18

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OKAY, RIOT HERE. 247 VIEWS??! AND 114 VOTES?!? HOLY FUCKING UNICORNS! TYSM FAM!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL BE UPDATING 2-4 TIMES TOMORROW JUST BECUZ I LUV YOUZZZZZZZ! ALSO. I am thinking of making a group profile just for band fanfictions? Would you amazing people wanna join? Message meh <3 OH AND IF I DO PLEAAASE NO 1D.......Okay, you may read.



We got to the house, and I walked in. 

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" Everyone yelled. By everyone I mean all of BVB,Kellin,and OMAM. I smile and turn around to see happy Vic. "Did you do this?!?" I ask. He, still grinning like a idiot, nods. i run up to him and hug him.

"THANK YOU DADA!" I screech. "EARS, MY LOVE, EARS." He says.

 I pull back. "Oops." I giggle. I turn back around and see everyone. I MEAN EVERYONE, holding a box or bag. My jaw drops.

 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They shout. I smile. "WHO SHOULD I TACKLE WITH HUGS...." I wonder out loud. Mike has a look of fear. I giggle, all of PTV looks scared.'Enie,meanie,minie,moe." I first point at Andy,then Jake, then Kellin, Then Austin. Austin went wide eyed, as I pretended to run at him, but actually tackle Kellin. "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER." I shout, laughing.


I opened my gifts. Here is what I got:

Andy : Batman tee

Jake : Batman wristbands

Ashley and Jinxx : Unicorn backpack(If you don't know I have a small obsession with unicorns...)

CC : Unicorn phone case

Kellin : SWS Converse

Austin and Alan : OMAM Converse

Aaron : OMAM wristbands

Phil and Tino : OMAM shirts

Jaime : Unicorn alarm clock

Mike : Unicorn earrings

Tony : Batman Converse

Vic : A...KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!

I sit down."What am I going to name her?" I ask, just as the kitten bites my finger. "Lucifer." I say. "Lucie for short." I add. I smile and pick up the cat as Billie looks in her purse for her gift for me. She hands me a five dollar bill.-_-... "God, Billie. This,must'v taken a lot of thought..." I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and sucks on Tony's face...Ew....Okay...... Just as I stand back up, the tape falls out of my pocket.

"What's that?" Vic asks. "N-nothing..." I mutter, about to pick it up. Vic beats me to it. "What is it?" Vic asks again. "Nothing!" I say. "Okay, then lets watch it." He says, putting it into his camera. "No. Stop dad." I say. To late. "Billie, can you go to the store and get us some ice tea?" Vic asks. 

"No. Why can't miss bitchy do it?" Billie spat. 

"He already asked you." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and leaves. 

"Guys come here." Vic says, motioning Kellin,BVB,PTV, and OMAM over. I sit back on the ground and play with Satan as they watch the video. "Why didn't you tell us?" Tony asks.

 "You were to busy sucking Billie's face." I say. "Rue-" Vic asks. "No dad. I trusted Tony, just to have him go to my best friend and have her be a bitch." I spat, before running out the door. I ran and ran and ran, until bumping into someone. That someone being no other than Ryan Sitkowski.

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