30 | S.D.P.D | 30

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I got out my phone to call the S.D.P.D, who picked up.

"Hello, San Diego Police Department, what is your emergency?" The lady asks.

"This isn't a emergency, but is there anyway I can speak to Josh Vincent?" I ask.

"He has a strict policy, no phone calls. Why would you need to speak to him?" She asks.

"My name is Rue Fuentes, when I was four my mother gave my twin brother Blake to him. Josh has had him for fourteen years now, and I need to find him." I explain.

"Oh, Rue, yes. We cannot let you talk to Josh." she says.

"Please. My brother may even be dead. He is probably starved to death. I need to find him." I say, tearing up. The line was cut. She fucking hung up. Wait. Josh's house!

"Vic, we have to go to Josh's house." I say. He nods and gets keys. We run to his car, and speed off. Once we pull up to the manbitch's house, we run in.

"Is there anyone in here?" I shout. I hear shuffling downstairs. I run to the basement and see a skinny guy tied up with a gag in his mouth. I take out the gag and untie him.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"You may not um remember me but I am Rue-"Before I can say anything else, he has his arms around me.

"You remember me?" I ask. He nods. 

"VIC! I FOUND HIM!" I yell. He runs downstairs. He stares at Blake and I. I help him stand up, and I see he is about three inches taller than me.

"Who is this?" He asks.

"This is our real dad. Vic, this is Blake. Blake this is our dad, Vic." I say. Blake runs over and hugs Vic. Vic drags me over into the hug.

Finally. My family.

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