36 | Since Everyone Has One Unnamed Chapter, I Guesss This Is It xD | 36

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I was being shook. 

"Rue, wake up!" Jaime says. I groan. Wait- Wake up? Oh great it was a fucking dream... Wait. Do I love Tony?

"Oh um yeah. Whyyy?" I groan.

"Just come down." He says.Jaime walks out of the room. I sit up. I run a hand through meh hair and throw on a Drop Dead hoodie. I walk downstairs and see Ricky with a black-eye. I looked at PTV. Tony was glaring at him,Jaime was smirking at Ricky(Assuming it was his black eye),Vic and Mike were looking at me.

"Guys what did I say?" I ask.

"IT WASN'T US!" Jaime defends. I raise a eyebrow at Ricky.

"Ask Chris..." He says.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you'd go out with me, again?" He asks. 

"Nope. No, time for you to go." Vic says. My jaw drops.

"What if I want to?" I ask Vic. Vic shakes his head.

"No. Bye Ricky." Mike agrees. Mike pushes Ricky out.

"What the hell, Vic?!?" I yell.

'I'm protecting you." He says.

"I don't need protecting. I'm eighteen! Plus, I have fucking lived on the streets since I was what? thirteen? So, like I said, I don't need protecting." I say. I run into my room and slam the door.

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