Chapter 23:

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I'm going to be a massive pain. My story is viewed more and will show up in people's suggestions more if I update every 5 days so I'm going to post this but the update won't be for another 24hrs since I finish my holidays tomorrow and I'll be able to finish and edit it on the way home. But for your troubles in reading this here's a sneak peek that hasn't been edited :) enjoy.


"This is horrible." I groan into the toilet my hands holding my hair back from my face.

I was back in Ryder and I's suite, the cold marble tiles sending chills through my body. My back was shaking as I tried to steady my breathing, I hated the feeling of the contents of my stomach moving up my throat, it burnt and it left a feeling in my mouth I couldn't shake.

"Get used to it." Reynolds says to me as he holds my hair out of the way. "Ryder hasn't told you that he's sensed anything has he."

Groaning, I take the face washer he hands me as I rest my weight on my arm on top of the toilet.

We spent two nights in Ryder's old bedroom, not including the night after he got me back. I wanted to kiss him and I wanted to do something, he was hesitant especially when I winced after stretching my arms in a certain way.

Reynolds spoke with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "He got himself off to the idea of you enough in that room."

My stomach churned again and I lazily threw the face washer at him again as the last of the contents of my stomach moved up my throat again. Reynolds was quick to move forward again and pull my hair back.

"I didn't need to know that." I whisper before I'm coughing up more bile.


If I had emojis I'd post all the see no, speak no, hear no monkeys. I like this chapter, it's a filler type chapter but it's fluffy rylotte.

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