Chapter 11:

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Well I thought this was pretty shit then I proof read and it wasn't so bad.

Thanks for 50k reads as well babes and don't forget to vote please.


Chapter 11:

I'm thrown awake from the horrid images in my mind. The sudden movement affects the clenching muscles of my stomach and my hand grips at the sensitive area us a bout of nausea runs through me. Within seconds warm arms are wrapped around me and everything moves so quickly the nausea comes up my throat and into the toilet I'm placed in front of.

Ryder's hand holds my hair back as I retch up the liquid contents in my stomach, his hand moves from the small of my back to slide over the part of my stomach where I can feel the pain of my abdomen.

"It's just the drugs baby, it'll go away when your body gets used to it." I'm sat in his lap leaning into his chest as he wipes at my mouth with a bit of toilet paper.

Shaking my head at him I try to remember what happened in the haze of the night before. I remember Alexander and him telling Ryder to get me pregnant while I had no idea what was happening and the fertility needles that were given to me by Eleanor, the reason behind my reaction.

Looking down I see Ryder's hand over my exposed stomach the faint pink line is all that's left of the wound that caused me so much pain for the first week of me being here and there is no flesh memory of the three needles entering my abdomen.

"How long do I have to have them?" Ryder lifts me up to walk me over to sit me down beside the sink.

He doesn't look like he wants to answer me as he runs a face washer under the cool stream of water he just turned on from the faucet. Stepping between my legs he wipes the cool cloth over my forehead.

"Two weeks maximum depending on how well your body takes to it." He smiles at me when I lean into the cloth he holds to my face. "Better?"

Nodding my head gently at him so not trigger another bout of nausea I try to push away his ever so caring hand but he just pulls it away and continues to wipe at the beads of sweat pooling on my forehead. He drops the hand from my head for a second to run the wash back underneath the cool water before he picks me back up to wrap me loosely back into the light sheets of the bed as he places the cool washcloth over my forehead.

My eyes drop closed and he softly runs his hand over my cheek before he presses a lingering kiss to the tip of my nose. My eyes blink open lightly when his weight leaves the bed next my hip. The bed is still made on the opposite side of me and when I look over I see that he's laid back on the three seated couch, it's set up with a pillow beneath his head a sheet over the top of him.


He looks over at me when I push my croaky voice to carry across the room. "My wolf gets unsettled being away from you. I can't sleep when I'm not in the room with you, I'll keep a distance if it makes you uncomfortable but I'm not leaving."

"Wi-will you sleep in the bed with me?" I don't try to push myself up from the soft mattress because the pain that I still feel in the tight clenched muscles of my stomach is getting unbearable.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable and if I sleep next to you my wolf and I are going to want to be as close to you as we possibly can."

Watching him carefully I try to think of how I'm going to feel if I wake up being wrapped into his arms again. This morning when I felt the warmth of his arms around me I was shocked and there was only a sliver of unease in me but Maxon was in the room with us and I'm not sure if it was him that I was feeling threatened by.

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