Chapter 5 - Ryder POV

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I had no idea how I was going to tell her but I was going to tell her. I decided it in that second when we were alone in the field. The way she took my hand in the hall of King and Queens calmed me in a way that I never had been before. I had to tell her, I couldn't keep it from her anymore. All because of that single touch.

My hand tightens around Lottie's arm as she drops. I move quickly to get underneath her, not afraid to show her my speed now that she knows. Her head is resting in my lap and her blue eyes open slowly, blinking continually before she looks up at me.

"Lottie, I'm sorry. I was about to tell you." I fight the urge to lean down and press a kiss to her lips.

If she's afraid of me, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. My hands shake as I brush away the strands of hair that have fallen over her face, sweeping them behind her ears. She seems to relax when my fingers brush over her skin, and my eyes move down her body to check that she's ok.

Red seeps through the white material of her shirt and my hands freeze when the scent of her blood finally hits my nose.

"You're bleeding." I whisper more to myself as I try to keep calm.

When my hands move down her body, I'm surprised by how steady they are. Quickly I take the hem of her shirt in my hand, it takes me a second to realise that she's uncomfortable being that exposed in front of me but by the time I remember I have her shirt bunched up underneath her chest and the open wound catch's my eye.

Blood runs down the left side of her stomach and seeps into her jeans. I let out a small growl when I see that she has three claw marks just below the cut that she got in that god damn alley, but I don't think she hears it as she lets out a sound of protest when I lift her shirt.

The deep cut has opened up, the cause of all the blood, but it's the black veining around it and puss inside that makes my heart beat faster as I realise that my beautiful mate is possibly in a world of pain. When I touch the skin at the edge she groans in pain, her back arching and I struggle to keep my wolf at bay.

Cursing I pull my hand back away from her. 'Riley?'

Riley, the royal doctor instantly connects to me through the mindlink. I don't have to tell her anything as she looks through my eyes, quick to reply. 'It's probably blood poisoning. Put her in your bed. I'll be up soon.'

Riley immediately cuts off the connection and when she does I look down to see that Lottie's just dropping her head down onto my lap and she has a nauseous look on her face. I gently drop her head down onto the floor, moving to pick her up and get her into my bed but her hand grabs mine.

The amazing blue of her eyes hold mine and I give a squeeze of her hand before I slip it out and pull her shirt back down. My arms are quick to wrap around her, lifting her up into my arms, her body resting against the bare skin of my chest.

Once again I find it hard to control my wolf. He's fighting me for control now, wanting to claim her as ours and to take away the pain she feels and to help her to heal her quicker. I have to squeeze my eyes closed for s slight second to come to grips with what I need to be doing right now. I can't scare her and biting her, definitely will.

Her head falling against my chest calms me down enough that I can fight the warm shocks radiating through me. I remember when I first felt them and the shock that my mate was human.

It was in that stupid alley where she got hurt and the reason behind why she's in this position when her scent enveloped me. Cardel is not the capitol of Jordena; Ravenna is and it's a forty five minute drive from here even though I can narrow it down to a twenty minute run.

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